So last night I went with my wife to see Styx, REO Speedwagon and Journey. Three bands we've never cared for but the tickets were free so what the hell - please don't give me crap (I kinda like Journey). I wore my Iron Maidens long-sleeved shirt.
When walking in, this guy with a mullet stops me to ask about the Maidens. I tell him the usual, how wonderful my Maidens expeirence was and he really needed to check this site. He will -YO DUDE!!!!!
While outside smoking :Smokedev: after STYX (who kinda sucked) people started asking me about the Iron Maidens - alot of people - a real lot of people. I found myself explaining very loudly to this large group, the Maidens story.
Time for another pair of beers, I figured I'd need it for REO - but heroin wouldn't have helped. Once again on line, I need to explain the Maidens story. The Bathroom, walking around - everywhere people were asking me about the Maidens.
My point is, you really need to come back to NYC. With a little bit of "real" promotion, you'd make alot of people really happy. We have tons of Maiden fans. Long Island and Staten Island are filled with them.
Tonight I'm going to see Hayseed Dixie
at, oddly enough the Tribecca Rock Club. They are a AC/DC tribute band that plays in a Bluegrass style. Yeah really - very funny - I can't wait.
The shirt is being washed and will be on again tonight.
When walking in, this guy with a mullet stops me to ask about the Maidens. I tell him the usual, how wonderful my Maidens expeirence was and he really needed to check this site. He will -YO DUDE!!!!!
While outside smoking :Smokedev: after STYX (who kinda sucked) people started asking me about the Iron Maidens - alot of people - a real lot of people. I found myself explaining very loudly to this large group, the Maidens story.
Time for another pair of beers, I figured I'd need it for REO - but heroin wouldn't have helped. Once again on line, I need to explain the Maidens story. The Bathroom, walking around - everywhere people were asking me about the Maidens.
My point is, you really need to come back to NYC. With a little bit of "real" promotion, you'd make alot of people really happy. We have tons of Maiden fans. Long Island and Staten Island are filled with them.
Tonight I'm going to see Hayseed Dixie
at, oddly enough the Tribecca Rock Club. They are a AC/DC tribute band that plays in a Bluegrass style. Yeah really - very funny - I can't wait.