Just as I was really starting to appreciate this place...


Sep 7, 2009
Manchester, UK
I went and found this lovely page which tells me EVERYTHING I NEED to know about recording stuff, all in one neat little package.


Seriously guys, you should check it out. I'll quote some of the best tips:

"Add Treble to guitars".

"Add Reverb to your drums. This makes your recordings sound more professional as well."

"Try Putting Down A Guitar Track First"

I didn't see anything bad with that article. Those tips weren't actually that bad, pretty good entry level tips, the quotes you took out of context are pretty misleading, because he used those "add treble to guitars" as an example under the title "equalization" and the "try putting down a guitar track first" means that you should record a demoguitar-track first so it is easier to sing/play, which is pretty common practice imho. and putting reverb on drums is also very common practice.