just bought line6 pod studio ux2


I fuck Zelda for breakfas
Nov 11, 2009
and been playing with the pod farm now, does anybody has any good presets or tips for making nice presets that would fit in a hXc, metalcore mixes? and is it worth buying the metal shop expansion, cause it's kinda expensive
Guys, what did I said wrong? I'm new to recording guitars and mixing (my own songs) in general. It's not that I want to pirate something, I just want to know it's gonna be worth the money before I buy it... sorry
Poliver's using pod farm which he got free (right?) with the pod studio ux2 he bought, and now he wants to know if he should go ahead and purchase the metal shop expansion. How is that piracy?

And as for the presetz, you gotta look somewhere else buddy. This forum aint for presets. Cheers! We hate presets here.
Yes, my pod came with a pod farm cd, reason adapted, riffworks t4 and ableton live lite 7

About presets I kinda ment what should I look for when I make them to benefit in the whole mix, I mean I can get a nice tone but what makes a tone sit good in a mix? I've read here that guitars in a good heavy mixes are not supposed to be heavy by themselves when soloed, but they sound even thin...
Is line 6 still running thier special on everything?

...Goes and looks

Ah man I guess not. Well if you can I would hold out for them to have another deal. You could literally get everything (I mean everything bass, power, collectors, fx junkie, metal packs) for $180.

I would wait for that deal to happen again. I know it happened at least 2-3 times last year.
Just because people don't look kindly on it doesn't mean there are not people on this forum who don't do it.

The subject at hand is over legit software.

Fair enough....in that case, my apologies.

Loren pretty much nailed it in the point of waiting for another deal to come across...but in the mean time (if you have a pc) theres a ton of free amp sims floating around the forum...do a little searching through google and you can find them and try them out...alot of the guys around here are coming up with killer tones with them. Plus its practice.
Yes, my pod came with a pod farm cd, reason adapted, riffworks t4 and ableton live lite 7

About presets I kinda ment what should I look for when I make them to benefit in the whole mix, I mean I can get a nice tone but what makes a tone sit good in a mix? I've read here that guitars in a good heavy mixes are not supposed to be heavy by themselves when soloed, but they sound even thin...

No problem man.

Use your ears. Take everything that everyone says on these forums as "guidelines" and not "rules". Use everything that people say here and adapt them to your mixes.

While it's true that a lot of guitar tones sound thin and "not right" on their own, it doesn't mean that you should solo your tracks just to see if it sounds weird.

If your guitar tracks sound like dog shit when they're soloed, they're going to sound like dog shit when they're in the mix. The best advice I can give you is use your ears.

Since you have POD FARM, use a DI guitar track and modify your tone according to your mix. BASS GUITAR MAKES UP A LOT OF THE TONE. Don't judge your overall tone until you have BASS and GUITAR. ;)

Btw, I hardly ever use the solo button anymore. And I've found that it's helped a lot of my mixes.

Hope this helps!:kickass:
Metal shop is definitely a necessity. Impulses also. ^ What Ganks said - the bass give a lot of the thickness of the sound , don't solo tracks.
Fair enough....in that case, my apologies.

All I'm saying is when the subject arises, yeah nail the fuckers to the wall because they deserve it for being a fucking thief. As you probably know I get pretty pissed over the cracked shit as well, but on the occasion where the person who might normally do the cracked thing actually buys software he deserves a good experience with it. :D

There is nothing better than having legit software with tech support to go along with it. It kind of baffles me that anyone would bother with cracked shit.