Thought I would post this for all the 5150 fans here.
The amp sounds alot better. The ugly distortion is no more.
Here's b4 and after pics of what I did and an explanation:
After I take the chaasis out of the box I put my resistor across the caps, one probe on each side while set on the highest volt setting, to make sure there is no voltage.
I also check across the resistors near the filter caps (the big ones sticking up not pictured here). Or some people will check from pin one of a preamp tube to ground but that's awkward on these amps.
That lone resistor is the bias resistor (15K if I remember correctly). I snipped it out and I replaced it with a 10K pot a 1.5K and 4.7K resistor end to end (so I have about 15k like the amp was designed with) on one side and on the other side of the pot is a 10 ohm so when I read the voltage across it (one probe on each side of the resistor) I know how many milliamps I'm throwing at it. Before turning it on make sure the new pot, that got glue gunned into place, make sure it is turned all the way up for 10K ohms.
The amp sounds alot better. The ugly distortion is no more.
Here's b4 and after pics of what I did and an explanation:
After I take the chaasis out of the box I put my resistor across the caps, one probe on each side while set on the highest volt setting, to make sure there is no voltage.
I also check across the resistors near the filter caps (the big ones sticking up not pictured here). Or some people will check from pin one of a preamp tube to ground but that's awkward on these amps.
That lone resistor is the bias resistor (15K if I remember correctly). I snipped it out and I replaced it with a 10K pot a 1.5K and 4.7K resistor end to end (so I have about 15k like the amp was designed with) on one side and on the other side of the pot is a 10 ohm so when I read the voltage across it (one probe on each side of the resistor) I know how many milliamps I'm throwing at it. Before turning it on make sure the new pot, that got glue gunned into place, make sure it is turned all the way up for 10K ohms.
