Just Discovering Tad Morose


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
What would be a good TM Record for me to pick up? I have heard several songs 2 of my Favorites Being CyberDome and Way of History ..... I will be seeing TM at PPV this year so I need to pick up some albums so I know the songs hahahaha did that make any sense?
WIntersReflection said:
Hello Johnny D! :wave:
(Recommended order)
I'd start with Modus Vivendi if you don't have it already, then get Matters of the Dark, and then Undead.

If you want I can post my reviews of those albums here but its also at my website, so it may just take less time for you to click my homepage link... :)

What other bands do you like Johnny D?

:) Thanks alot I will check them out! Ummmm hahahahha other bands I like ......click on this link it will take you to my recent Top 100 thread on the Oldschool board :D http://ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=149988 othger wise hahahaha I would be typing all day :D as you will see I like Lots of bands 90% metal!
Welcome JonnyD, hehe another 'old-schooler' here, talk about an invasion :D

I also suggest you to get Modus Vivendi, then Matters of the Dark or Undead.
HELLcome to the board Jonny!

I take it Flo's new hobby is to recruit new folk from the old-school board?
Glad you made it over here JD. I would pick up the nesest disc "Modus Vivendi" first. I am sure they will be supporting that release at PPV. Like I told Snowmaker (a buddy of mine from the vanden Plas message board) my personal fave is "Matters of the Dark' so I would get that next, but I have their last three releases and think all of them are good quality.

Gaunerin said:
HELLcome to the board Jonny!

I take it Flo's new hobby is to recruit new folk from the old-school board?
ahahah it's Bryant's "fault" now, he has become a better recruiter than me it seems :D

anyway the TadMorosation of the world still goes on!
Fangface said:
ahahah it's Bryant's "fault" now, he has become a better recruiter than me it seems :D

anyway the TadMorosation of the world still goes on!
I don't know about that Flo. I just found two guys that I thought would like TM judging by their musical taste. The French guys and girls are your responsibility. I know how to say "I have ugly balls" in Belgian Deutch due to my short stay as an exchange student. My friends played a joke on me and told me to say that to a couple of their lady friends. >:p~ "Ik Hap Lilijke Kloten" ?
I wouldn't be able to ask where the bathroom is in french. I would have to point to my zipper and say "pee pee !!!" I would hate to know how rthat translates in French. :ill:

We should start a contest : the person who turns people on TM the most would win "In the Shadows" for his next TM concert hehe

I wouldn't be able to ask where the bathroom is in french. I would have to point to my zipper and say "pee pee !!!" I would hate to know how rthat translates in French.
Bathroom for a "pee pee"? You mean toilets o_O

"Où sont les toilettes s'il vous plaît?" should work.