How did you get into Tad Morose


Apr 20, 2003
I'm interested in knowing how you other fans have got into Tad Morose. Personnally I heard TM for the first time on a Swiss radio show. It was not a bad radio show as I also discovered Morgana Lefay, Iced Earth, Samael and Theatre Of Tragedy, a.o. :rock:
I'm not sure but I think it was a song from Sender Of Thoughts... A few days laterI was in a large record shop (Virgin-like one) and I found the album Leaving The Past... on a discount sale... quite a coincidence!
I first discovered TM after reading Martin Popoff's "The Collector's Guide To Heavy Metal." His reviews intruiged me so much that I began discovering (or rediscovering) many bands that I "knew of" but had never really "heard."

I can't even remember which album, I picked up first, but it snowballed from there. The whole TM collection now resides comfortably in my collection...and it's all so very, very good!

Thanks, Martin!

Rock on!
Hmmm...... several several months ago (maybe close to a year) a net buddy burned me Tad Morose's MotD. It sort of sat around for awhile and I didn't really listen to it. Along comes the PP lineup and I thought to myself, maybe I should check out this tadMorose my pal sent me. I put it in and I could almost feel the word "idiot" on my face for not trying the disc out earlier. I went out and bought MV and Undead rigt after.

Progpower here too... I now own 4 of their albums , A Mended Rhyme, Undead, Matters of the DArk, and Modus Vivendi.. I had heard of them before because of Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles magazine but didn't get around to listen to them till I bought my progpower tickets
I felt like that myself when I heard the mp3 after seeing thier name around for awhile, lol.

Bryant said:
Hmmm...... several several months ago (maybe close to a year) a net buddy burned me Tad Morose's MotD. It sort of sat around for awhile and I didn't really listen to it. Along comes the PP lineup and I thought to myself, maybe I should check out this tadMorose my pal sent me. I put it in and I could almost feel the word "idiot" on my face for not trying the disc out earlier. I went out and bought MV and Undead rigt after.

The story of how I got into Tad Morose is very much connected to (Morgana) Lefay. I knew them first. But I soon found out there were some other bands coming from Bollnäs :grin: I got to see both bands on tour together in 1995 and the rest is history, hehe.
(and yes, I copied and pasted that from an old post :Saint: )
Tad Morose had been one of those bands I'd heard "of" for a long time, but hadn't heard until about the time they put out Undead. I found some songs online and downloaded them...and consequently started buying each new album as it came out.

But to answer the question more properly--the first time I saw a Tad Morose cd, I thought hmmm...just the name of that group makes me want to try them out...I'm a tad morose myself...:err: .

Great name guys! :grin:

Rakosh said:
But to answer the question more properly--the first time I saw a Tad Morose cd, I thought hmmm...just the name of that group makes me want to try them out...I'm a tad morose myself...:err: .

Great name guys! :grin:


Although I have a fair vocabulary, the two words together never "clicked" for me. I was thinking to myself when I first discovered them.... which one is Tad the vocalist, guitarist?

Gaunerin said:
The story of how I got into Tad Morose is very much connected to (Morgana) Lefay. I knew them first. But I soon found out there were some other bands coming from Bollnäs :grin: I got to see both bands on tour together in 1995 and the rest is history, hehe.
(and yes, I copied and pasted that from an old post :Saint: )
Which post is it, so that I can do the same? :D