Just found our album online for free download - FUUUUUU !!

For anyone else who cares; just found another blog giving it away as well. Did we just get incredibly popular over the last week and no-one told us... what the fuck is going on? :lol:
They don't. Just listen to how newer music 'writers' are developing. I forget who touched on it in the 'Bring me the horizon' thread, but they made mention of everyone listening to music on iTunes, or their iPods on shuffle, as a huge singular collection. There is no cohesiveness, no body or direction to their sense of music understanding. It's all just a chaotic jumble of sounds, hence why all this bullshit, disconnected, crabcore has shot up. Get a demographic who have the attention span of gnats, give them social media and media playback devices that will make both the acquisition and playback of all kinds of music extremely convenient, and you will end up with a generation that have absolutely no idea of where the roots of music lie, nor what it means to craft something with direction and patience.

Music to the new generation is throwaway material, and in utmost irony it's even reflected in their own songwriting, whether they realize it or not.

drop it, you can't prevent it now.
the positive side of this is that your band's name is getting known, maybe quicker than the rumour on the streets by the people who actually bought it..
You should just hope they'll like it and come to your shows (where you can throw acid at them, telling them what you feel about piracy), haha
For anyone else who cares; just found another blog giving it away as well. Did we just get incredibly popular over the last week and no-one told us... what the fuck is going on? :lol:

Congratulations, you just hit a milestone in your band's career. Next milestone is creating a song with some other artist because no-one seems to be able to write a song by themselves anymore. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster Ft. Justine Bieber.
They don't. Just listen to how newer music 'writers' are developing. I forget who touched on it in the 'Bring me the horizon' thread, but they made mention of everyone listening to music on iTunes, or their iPods on shuffle, as a huge singular collection. There is no cohesiveness, no body or direction to their sense of music understanding. It's all just a chaotic jumble of sounds, hence why all this bullshit, disconnected, crabcore has shot up. Get a demographic who have the attention span of gnats, give them social media and media playback devices that will make both the acquisition and playback of all kinds of music extremely convenient, and you will end up with a generation that have absolutely no idea of where the roots of music lie, nor what it means to craft something with direction and patience.

Music to the new generation is throwaway material, and in utmost irony it's even reflected in their own songwriting, whether they realize it or not.

Not really into the music most of you all are into but I've always been into ug-old school metal and punk/hardcore, and I can fully agree with the sentiment expressed here, and it's exponentially more troubling that this is so pervasive regardless of genre or even purpose. I used to, like many UG troglodytes, think that this is perhaps due to the band-label buffer being removed (where there weren't two ug labels for every shit band), but looking back I am more inclined to agree with your idea of this being an "mp3 library" syndrome.

It has become so fatiguing to actually discover new music because of this that I decided to only listen to stuff that was recommended to me on a personal basis and that I stumbled onto by chance (pretty hard if you're into underground black metal or crustpunk). Later I even realized I couldn't trust most of the people I knew were into this music worth a damn cause it had become a sort of typical UG groupthink, shit hype band gets hyped by a few people and the whole thing snowballs.

The problem is precisely as you state it. The ever decreasing attention spans coupled with a relativistic approach to songwriting and releasing stuff (with zero self criticism), where most people go "well, others have done so much shittier that we can put this out right?", have degraded Metal and Punk of all sorts into the storm of waste it is right now. But who's to say this isn't the case with everything?

It might just be it's too many bands, too little time, and the fact I'm getting old. But something tells me that isn't so :lol:

Sorry I know this is a little O/T...