Just fried my amp :)


May 9, 2006
So..just took my head to rehearse with it for the first in AGES because I was sick of using the Valvestate clone they have in there...plugged in on the wallwart and...nothing. Looked at the wall wart and TAN NAM! 220V. My amp is 115V. Blown transformer...I feel really stupid.

Glad I have a 'spare' one (this amp is self built, from a bunch of ideas), but shit...that takes time to change and I was going to use it on a 2204 clone. SHit.
Yeah, and it sucks. Some cities are actually are 127v, other are 220v and some, like mine, are both 220v and 127v. I have both at my home because some stuff, like air conditioners, are just sold on 220v versions. Just weird stuff..
Dind't know that you used both currents in Brazil.
Spain was 125V many years ago. Electric companies changed all to 220V, but I remember being a child and old houses like my grandpas' used 125V.