Just gave Power Quest some advertising on local television!


Jack Nippleson
May 13, 2007
Following my usual daily routine, I left work for a few minutes to go pick up my brother from school. As I'm parked on the side of the road listening to Kamelot's new album and doing a crossword puzzle, this news team comes up to my window and asks if they could interview me.

Apparently there's some shady situation going on with our local high school's superintendent, her taking a lot of time off and not doing a good job and now she's being paid a giant sum of money and is going to resign without telling anybody why. Now, I didn't really know anything about this since I've been out of the loop for a while, so when they interviewed me I didn't have too much of value to say :lol: However it'll be on television and I was wearing the almighty Power Quest beanie during the interview, so although I wasn't throwing the horns and advocating MySpaces and all that, maybe someone will see it and be curious :D

On second thought, maybe I should have screamed that, and I could have become a YouTube sensation for absolutely no reason like all those other people have :lol:
I think the screaming and throwing the horns might've made them think you were a bit crazy and not air the interview! :lol:

Who knows, any publicity is good if it'll lead to a few new fans! Awesome!
Heh good to know dude! Btw new Kamelot I found kinda bleh. Has its moments.

didn't have too much of value to say...However it'll be on television

Isn't that just the way with everything on TV these days :p Maybe you should have stared off into the middle distance and declared your fondness for turtles :lol:
Thanks guys!

Heh good to know dude! Btw new Kamelot I found kinda bleh. Has its moments.

Isn't that just the way with everything on TV these days :p Maybe you should have stared off into the middle distance and declared your fondness for turtles :lol:

I love the new Kamelot, and I love the reference in this post :lol:
I actually did manage to get a few of my friends into Power Quest right around the time Master of Illusion was released. Let them hear Cemetery Gates and they've been hooked ever since! They don't know about the forum (yet... I should let them know) but they're definitely excited for the new album.
i've told a bunch of people about power quest, but none of my friends like power metal sooo.....

Get new friends. Remember Manowar's advice: "If you're not into metal, you are not my friend!" :headbang:

I air a lot of PQ when I DJ at my uni rock society, overs the years PQ has graced many hundreds of ears and I dare say recruited a fair few fans.
I've wanted to pursue a career in radio for the longest time. I would absolutely love to run my own metal show, it'd play mostly power metal, I don't know how marketable it would be but I can't say it would hurt to try. The only thing is I have no idea where to start. Maybe I can find a way to start at my university next fall...