Just got a dog

Apr 3, 2005
ya I Just got a dog about a week ago. His name is Ryder. Hes a golden Retriever. His 8 weeks old. Learned how to climb stairs in two days. Cuz the cute fuck follows me everyway.
Dogs kick ass!!!They are a lot of work but they are worth the company and smiles they bring. I have three dogs, 2 are permanent and 1 is a foster. I am always fostering at least 1 dog at all times. I just found a home for a Australian Shepherd. I am now fostering a Pug, the little fucker is the biggest Alpha male that I have seen with that kind of breed. Hates strangers, fights with my other dogs all the time and can be just a little shit sometimes. I have alot of work ahead of me training and changing this dogs temperment. This is a crappy pic of it from my camera phone.
I know I posted this on another thread but here's the dog that I love that wouldn't go to work with Budweiser and the Clydesdales :kickass:


Dogs are cool and they love Trucks
MyHatred said:
Dogs kick ass!!!They are a lot of work but they are worth the company and smiles they bring. I have three dogs, 2 are permanent and 1 is a foster. I am always fostering at least 1 dog at all times. I just found a home for a Australian Shepherd. I am now fostering a Pug, the little fucker is the biggest Alpha male that I have seen with that kind of breed. Hates strangers, fights with my other dogs all the time and can be just a little shit sometimes. I have alot of work ahead of me training and changing this dogs temperment. This is a crappy pic of it from my camera phone.

Awesome good for you dude, when i was about eighteen many moons ago I had my dog Wolf(my german shephard) Man that thing was a fucking tough dog. Got in fights with every fucking kind of dog. including one with a huskie that he tore to pieces and a doberman(that fight was kind of even). Anyway my new dog will grow to be about 60 pounds. They say hes going to be very smart. The only part that sucks is hes a little poopin machine.
DarbysDad said:
I know I posted this on another thread but here's the dog that I love that wouldn't go to work with Budweiser and the Clydesdales :kickass:


Dogs are cool and they love Trucks

Awesome dog dude. :headbang:
Thanks dude - he's bigger than most Dalmation Males - I wonder if his mom had an affair with a Great Dane that has the Black and White Markings :D
DarbysDad said:
Thanks dude - he's bigger than most Dalmation Males - I wonder if his mom had an affair with a Great Dane that has the Black and White Markings :D

haha ya never know :tickled: How much does he way? Ryder(my dog) is going to be about 60 pounds. I've only had him a week and the little guy is already protective over me.
Unless the day arrives where I actually find someone insane enough to marry me, I doubt I will ever get a dog as my work schedule is way too wierd and I don't want a dog to have to spend so many hours alone.

I have/had tons of various pets and love animals including dogs big time.
tattooedsean666 said:
Unless the day arrives where I actually find someone insane enough to marry me, I doubt I will ever get a dog as my work schedule is way too wierd and I don't want a dog to have to spend so many hours alone.

I have/had tons of various pets and love animals including dogs big time.

Thats kool. I'd hate to talk to someone who hates any kind of animal.
MetalThrasher442 said:
haha ya never know :tickled: How much does he way? Ryder(my dog) is going to be about 60 pounds. I've only had him a week and the little guy is already protective over me.
He's 75 or 80 lbs before he was full grown the Vet had him at 70 lbs.

I think adult males are supposed to max at 55lbs
DarbysDad said:
He's 75 or 80 lbs before he was full grown the Vet had him at 70 lbs.

I think adult males are supposed to max at 55lbs

thats kool. Alright well it was nice talking to ya and have fun with the dog.
