O/T Cats or Dogs??

I have a brown skunk(decented of course) with the classic white raceing stripes down his back. He's pretty cool and I've had him for about 2 months now. For some reason he decided to dig a hole in my wall and always wants to walk right beside my feet when I'm walking around the house. I went to walk one time and he ended up sliding across the kitchen floor because I forgot he was by my foot when I went to move. I don't think he's too bright some times, or maybe he's too young young to care.
Originally posted by Dragons_Kin
I have a brown skunk(decented of course) with the classic white raceing stripes down his back. He's pretty cool and I've had him for about 2 months now. For some reason he decided to dig a hole in my wall and always wants to walk right beside my feet when I'm walking around the house. I went to walk one time and he ended up sliding across the kitchen floor because I forgot he was by my foot when I went to move. I don't think he's too bright some times, or maybe he's too young young to care.

WoW! :eek:

A skunk? Hey, anything will make a good pet if your nice to them! :grin:

That's a great post Dragons_Kin!

You don't have a dragon too do ya?



PS, Dragons are cool, too bad they arent real, I'd try to catch one :spin:
It would be great to own one if they were. I've always liked komodo dragons too but I don't think they would make good pets. I did have a Dragon once but he burnt my house down. :( lol
I live on a farm so we have all kinds of critters roaming around. As far as pets go I have a border collie and a cat. There are all kinds of stray cats around but I only claim the one since it's the only one that lets me pet it. My wife has a horse but I'm extremely allergic to them so that's hers only. Inside things get a little interesting, I have 4 scorpions an Emperor, a flat rock, an Egyptian fat-tail, and a black fat-tail. I started collecting them in high school and at one time I had over 20 of them. The 4 I have now are all that's left of those. My wife hates them though so when the remaining 4 die I guess that'll be it for me and scorpions.
Originally posted by Dragons_Kin
I have a brown skunk(decented of course) with the classic white raceing stripes down his back. He's pretty cool and I've had him for about 2 months now. For some reason he decided to dig a hole in my wall and always wants to walk right beside my feet when I'm walking around the house. I went to walk one time and he ended up sliding across the kitchen floor because I forgot he was by my foot when I went to move. I don't think he's too bright some times, or maybe he's too young young to care.
That's really cool, I've never seen a brown skunk before. I've heard that skunks (after their scent gland is removed of course) make very good pets. Does it use a litter box like a cat?
Being in Arizona, I could never bring myself to actually own a Scorpion. They freak me out. So do geckos. No, I don't get all sissy when I see Geico commercials, either. Geckos around here aren't green. :lol:

Muts are cool, I was just trying to imagine what she'd look like. My black lab/chow was probably the cutest dog I've ever seen (which probably made putting her down harder). I guess chows are just good to mix with other stuff, because to me a pure chow is ugly. The next dog I get is having short hair, dammit.
Originally posted by Dragons_Kin
It would be great to own one if they were. I've always liked komodo dragons too but I don't think they would make good pets. I did have a Dragon once but he burnt my house down. :( lol

I love it! :grin:

Hey, I might own one to because you could fly over the traffice everyday on your way 2 work :lol:

One of my all time favorite books is Stephen Kings "Eyes of the Dragon".

