Just got a Saffire Pro 24...


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
It's a pretty sweet little unit, except I have one concern: is the headphone output supposed to be almost bassless? I'm comparing it to my speakers with a subwoofer, but still, there is basically no punch when I use the headphone output direct to my headphones. If I hook my speakers into the headphone port on the Saffire then plug my headphones into my speakers, it sounds much better (bassier, at least).
My guess is that since you're mixing with speakers and a sub, that the headphones are showing you what your mix ACTUALLY sounds like. Just a guess, but are you using some kind of multimedia PC speaker set or something? Basically, whatever you're mixing on is giving you an unrealistically full and bassy sound compared to the more flat, unchanged sound from your headphones.

Just a guess, I could be wrong.
Yeah, I've been using this all day and now my speakers sound like they're underwater >_>. They are a multimedia set; low end too, but I like to use them to see what mixes might sound like to average consumers. I recall my old interface doing something similar, lemme do a quick A/B.
In all honesty, you need monitors. Seeing what it sounds like to consumers doesn't really apply here, because in this case, you only know what it sounds like on your set of speakers. Multimedia speakers are not good for monitoring and mixing.

With that said, I doubt there's anything wroing with your Sapphire.

Get a decent set of active monitors and you'll be better off.
Yeah, I've been saving for some for a while now. I was gonna go with RP5s or Yahamas but I think I've decided to hold out for A7s or something, though $1k USD is a lot for a pair. :\
Yeah, I've been saving for some for a while now. I was gonna go with RP5s or Yahamas but I think I've decided to hold out for A7s or something, though $1k USD is a lot for a pair. :

Remember to make sure you have a properly treated room if you're going for more expensive ones. Otherwise it'll probably sound just as shit as with cheap ones.
That's the thing. I'm in a good room now, but I may be moving at some point in which case I'd probably lose the acoustic quality. Would something cheaper be more versatile in that sense?