We went there with our local youth group to do some clean up work in the projects. It was a 16 hour drive either way and we had 37 teen with 8 adults in four 15-passenger vans. Most of the time I just slept, played Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, or read, but it was still a long drive.
Chicago is such an amazing city. It was probably 50 degrees (as opposed to 98 in texas) the entire time so the weather was my favorite thing. It was also so diverse. We went from Greek Town to China Town to Down Town to The Projects (where we were told that there was 73 LANGUAGES BEING SPOKEN!) all in about 15 minutes. The grass at the parks was also really soft so I liked playing frisbee on it.
Our group saw and did pretty much everything there is to see and do in Chicago: Sears Tower, A Boat Ride On Lake Michigan, Navy Pier, Ate At All Of The Best Restaurants, China Town, Greek Town, The Art Institute of Chicago, Second City (hilarious comedy club), And Walked All Around Down Town. And the best thing was that it was all free!
Aside from friends falling through a glass coffee table the trip was pretty safe. Oh, and then some of my friends and I found a wheel chair at a church that we stayed at and about 1 in the morning decided to push each other down a wheel chair ramp and got punished by not being allowed to sleep and so I haven't slept in about 46 hours.
Anyways, here are some pictures.
A coffee table that some friends fell through and cut themselves on
We drove through St. Louis and saw the Arch
Here's a lamp post
Here's some friends spinning me around on a death machine
China Town
fork thing
probably my favorite picture
From Sears Tower
My plate after eating a greek dessert
Hal (Astral P.) looking very smug after finishing his meal
pictures from our boat ride
The Lord
My van. the whole front seat and the guy with the red hair are the ones that were punished for the wheel chair and we hadn't slept for 'bout 42 hours and stuff was getting funny.
Chicago is such an amazing city. It was probably 50 degrees (as opposed to 98 in texas) the entire time so the weather was my favorite thing. It was also so diverse. We went from Greek Town to China Town to Down Town to The Projects (where we were told that there was 73 LANGUAGES BEING SPOKEN!) all in about 15 minutes. The grass at the parks was also really soft so I liked playing frisbee on it.
Our group saw and did pretty much everything there is to see and do in Chicago: Sears Tower, A Boat Ride On Lake Michigan, Navy Pier, Ate At All Of The Best Restaurants, China Town, Greek Town, The Art Institute of Chicago, Second City (hilarious comedy club), And Walked All Around Down Town. And the best thing was that it was all free!
Aside from friends falling through a glass coffee table the trip was pretty safe. Oh, and then some of my friends and I found a wheel chair at a church that we stayed at and about 1 in the morning decided to push each other down a wheel chair ramp and got punished by not being allowed to sleep and so I haven't slept in about 46 hours.
Anyways, here are some pictures.
A coffee table that some friends fell through and cut themselves on

We drove through St. Louis and saw the Arch

Here's a lamp post

Here's some friends spinning me around on a death machine

China Town


fork thing

probably my favorite picture

From Sears Tower


My plate after eating a greek dessert

Hal (Astral P.) looking very smug after finishing his meal

pictures from our boat ride

The Lord

My van. the whole front seat and the guy with the red hair are the ones that were punished for the wheel chair and we hadn't slept for 'bout 42 hours and stuff was getting funny.