Just got my Fireface 400, but there's constant unbearable digital noise


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
I had a similar thing happen with my previous M-Audio Audiophile 2496, but it was bearable since you could only hear it when you moved a mouse and there were no other sounds in the room.

Here's how it sounds like from the left channel:

http://koti.mbnet.fi/juhau/noise.mp3 (and yes, it's pretty loud, almost as loud as you generally would comfortably listen to music. And the constant "beeeeee" sound happens when I move the mouse).

And that noise *only* comes from the left channel. If I swap the speaker cables around, the noise still comes from the left and no noise from the right channel, so it's not the cables. Then I tried swapping the channels so that left channel cables goes to the right speaker and the sound comes through that. That means that it's not the speakers that make the noise.

It can only mean that it's always the left channel from the audio card itself that makes the noise. I tried to google it, but I found nothing except a mention of a Terratec card that only had a small problem. My problem is just ridiculous and I simply can't use the setup :err:

Oh yeah and I've got active speakers, since that seems to affect it. Behringer B2030A (but as I tested earlier, it's not the speakers that do it, so back off you Behringer-dissers :) )

And yes, everything's connected to grounded power outlets and in the same wall socket.

And what's up with having to turn all the volumes down to -45 dB before the system won't blow your brains out when listening to music? It creates for a fun surprise when for some reason or another the card decides to roll back to 0.0 dB :zombie: Fun when listening to something at moderate level and suddenly BAM! you are listening to an airplane taking off with the 45 dB louder sound :erk: :puke:

I also tried the two other output channels, but it's always the left channel that has that noise.
I have a similar sound like that but even more piercing.

In my case its due to improper grounding with some equipment and the grounding of my apartment.