Just got my Route 666 CD/DVD...


Wrathchild Panther
Mar 29, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
And I loved every second of it! The ladies sound much better on this studio recording across the board, though my only complaint is that I wish there were more tracks!

And the DVD... that was a great show and a great piece of editing. Watching the show was a treat (as well as JoJo, a true shame she is not in the band any longer because she had Adrian's parts down cold).

All in all, this was a wonderful experience, and I saw what its like to be at a Maidens concert... if air travel wasn;t so cost prohibitive right now, I would be planning a long weekend catching one or two shows.

One day I will make it there or better yet, the ladies will play Detroit Rock City.
Yes, Jojo was / is a very good player, but so is Heather. I don't think that you would be disappointed with the new Maidens lineup if you saw them live.

Hmm.. Have you checked Orbitz for airfare? Northwest flies roundtrip to LA for just a little over $200 in mid January from Minneapolis or Detroit if you leave midweek. One of these days, you will make it out there.
If you liked the show on the DVD then you'll just love the live shows now with the latest and greatest lineup! There is SOOO much more energy and excitement on stage than what is on the DVD, especially now on stage left. Heather is an amazing guitarist AND stage performer (and so damned nice and cute as a kitten!). A perfect match for Sara's stage right! To see how much these amazing ladies have grown and improved as musicians and a band since the DVD is just plain SCARY!!!:headbang:
Buy that plane ticket!! lol!:headbang: See 'em now then wait for them to play Detroit!:headbang:
I have no doubt that Heather is a wonderful guitarist and performer. She has to be just to keep up with Sara, who is like a force of nature over there on Stage Right. :lol:

Maybe in the summer time when things slow down for me, I'll take a long weekend and pop over there... but hey it ain't the plane fare, its crashing someplace close to the venue, and renting a car and all those kinda things... its not a minor undertaking, but I will undertake it. Its just a matter of when!
::smirks:: Nah Jenna, if I'm gonna do something like that, I'm gonna do it right, *especially* when it comes to a place to lay my head and recover from such a night... I'm way too spoiled in my advancing years to sleep on a couch. :D
I only wish I was your age with my experience and knowledge, Jenna... I would rule the world by the time I was 30.

You gotta remember, I have a good idea of what a Maidens concert would be like from a crowd standpoint, cause of my experiences with the crowd at the Maiden show on October of 2006. I was pretty beat up then even though I was like 8 rows of people from the front, and I had the wisdom to get for the following day off of work to recover from gettng elbowed, jostled, and climbed upon. I was pretty sore.

Heh, I can only imagine it, considering some of the drunken people that the ladies have spoken of. A sofa bed would work, but a big, comfy hotel room bed would be much better. ::smirks::

You gotta remember, I'm getting old. I can't do the things I used to do when I was 18, 21, or even 25. I have to be smarter about it.
I only wish I was your age with my experience and knowledge, Jenna... I would rule the world by the time I was 30.

You gotta remember, I have a good idea of what a Maidens concert would be like from a crowd standpoint, cause of my experiences with the crowd at the Maiden show on October of 2006. I was pretty beat up then even though I was like 8 rows of people from the front, and I had the wisdom to get for the following day off of work to recover from gettng elbowed, jostled, and climbed upon. I was pretty sore.

Heh, I can only imagine it, considering some of the drunken people that the ladies have spoken of. A sofa bed would work, but a big, comfy hotel room bed would be much better. ::smirks::

You gotta remember, I'm getting old. I can't do the things I used to do when I was 18, 21, or even 25. I have to be smarter about it.

That's the WORST place to be at a concert - cos if the crowd goes over, then you've no choice but to go over too!!! You're best at the barrier (something to hold onto) or at the sides, quite a few people back. I was three rows back, dead centre for Megadeth the first time I saw them and in hindsight that was not a good idea!! I can hold my own at shows, but I nearly passed out at this one (but that was because of my diabetes tho). Anyway, you ain't seen nothing till you've been to a UK Maiden concert!! Now if you'd like to do some research on this, then I'd be a willing particpant to come with you!! :lol:
That's the WORST place to be at a concert - cos if the crowd goes over, then you've no choice but to go over too!!! You're best at the barrier (something to hold onto) or at the sides, quite a few people back. I was three rows back, dead centre for Megadeth the first time I saw them and in hindsight that was not a good idea!! I can hold my own at shows, but I nearly passed out at this one (but that was because of my diabetes tho). Anyway, you ain't seen nothing till you've been to a UK Maiden concert!! Now if you'd like to do some research on this, then I'd be a willing particpant to come with you!! :lol:

I wasn;t worried about that, I was more concerned about drunken idiots trying to bull their way to the rail, getting jostled while trying to take pictures and the like...

And next time, pack extra water and chocolate so your sugar doesn't crash!

I would LOVE to go to England and visit all of the places that Maiden played (the ones that still exist on the East End, anyway...) and you would be my tour guide for sure! I would love to see Scotland too.. I've always wanted to since seeing some of those gorgeous landscapes in the Highlander movies and tv shows... I could easily spend a month over there.
I wasn;t worried about that, I was more concerned about drunken idiots trying to bull their way to the rail, getting jostled while trying to take pictures and the like...

And next time, pack extra water and chocolate so your sugar doesn't crash!

I would LOVE to go to England and visit all of the places that Maiden played (the ones that still exist on the East End, anyway...) and you would be my tour guide for sure! I would love to see Scotland too.. I've always wanted to since seeing some of those gorgeous landscapes in the Highlander movies and tv shows... I could easily spend a month over there.

I hate that! I can get to at least 2-3 from the front without pushing or shoving. I guess I just have a knack for it. :D

The thing that got me was I was so crushed, I couldn't tell if I was having a "hypo" or if I was just squashed. That sucked! But I got to meet the band after so that was cool!! :cool:

That would be awesome - we'd definately have to meet up!!! I don't know London that well but I can navigate the tube and at least get you to the Ruskin Arms. :D

Scotland is AWESOME!!! I just bought a cd called "Spirit Of The Glen" by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and hearing songs like Amazing Grace, Highland Cathedral and Caledonia on the bagpipes makes me SO proud to be Scottish!! :kickass: