Just got the Transatlantic DVD

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
As the title says, I just got the double Transatlantic DVD 'Live in Europe'. I have watched it, and must say that it is pretty good. Although sometimes it does seem as though it is the Neal Morse show. He hogs most of the camera time.

There are some seriously long songs on the dvd (What would you expect from TA). They open with Duel with the Devil, then My new World, then We all need some Light, then Suite Charlotte Pike (complete with an awesome Beatles Medly... Came in through the bathroom window, Mean old Mr Mustard, carry That Weight, The end, Her Majesty + more), then Stranger in your Soul :headbang: and then close with All of the Abover. Man, there are 4 songs that are each 30 mins long. I REALLY love this version of We All Need some Light. The concert was filmed a month after Sept 11, so there is a pretty sombre mood during this song. Neals acoustic guitar work is fantastic. I didnt know he could play it that well. Sounds a little David Gilmore ala Wish you were Here.

The highlight for me though, is any time that Daniel Gildenlow opens his mouth. He was the special guest and played Guitar, keys, and backup vocals. As many of you well know, Pain of Salvation is one of my favorite bands, and alot of that is due to the fact that Daniel Gildenlow is just a brilliant musician. He does the high parts during Duel with the Devil (MOTHER.... CHILDREN.. LOOK OUT YOUR HOME).... I cannot get enought of hearing Daniel do harmonies. Noone does it better than him in my opinion. I wish that he would get more camera time. He also does this amazing vocal line during the Suite Charlotte Pike medly. If anone is familar with POS, they will know his trademark kind of crying vocal technique. I cant explain it, but he uses it to great effect on track 4 of The Perfect Elephant.

Portnoy's vocals are better than I have heard from him... Which doesnt really say much. He aint the worlds greatest singer, but in Transatlantic, he holds his own.

Pete Trawavas looks like Rick Moranis when he sings. He looks funny :headbang: But the guy can play a mean bass guitar.

Roine Stolt really impressed me with his vocals. He has a unique singing voice. His guitar playing is pretty good. He aint that technical, but he has a great sound which really lifts the bands sound as a whole.

The documentary on Disc 2 is a pretty good insight into the band. They look like they had a ball on the road. There were clips of them doing Beatles Medlys on the tour bus. Neal would have his guitar and just start playing, and the rest of the guys would all join it. I only wish that Daniel spoke in English more often. I had no fuckin idea what he was saying in Swedish.

Anyway, after watching the DVD, I went and played all 4 Pain of Salvation cd's. I havnt listened to them in a while, and I forgot how freakin amazing this band are. Perfect Elephant and Remedy Lane are 2 of the graetest albums ever. Fact.
I got it a week ago, haven't watched it yet though.

You really should get the Spock's Beard DVD, Sprucey - then you'll see how good Neal Morse is. :headbang: