Just heard the new Arch enemy promo CD...

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
...And OMFNG, I must have this album!!! I will slaughter my whole family for this one... or maybe just my sister.
No, and I even refused a copy of the promo CD.
I wouldn't ask openly like that, the webmistress gets really cranky. :)
NoLordy Capone said:
She runs that one too, though, so she WILL say something. :)

If you (pretend you) have a promo or have heard the songs on internet radio boardcasts, discuss away.

Plus I don't mind discussions on another forum, it's just bad to have to be faced with people talking about downloading your new album - before its even out yet - on your own forum. Some bands have more problems with it than others obviously, but I guess it can be considered common courtesy not to discuss downloading practises.

On that note, on July 23rd, Century Media and archenemy.net will start
offering the song 'We Will Rise' from the forthcoming album
