Just ordered!

Originally posted by Dreamlord
Hey man, I don't know what y'all do in Jersey, but down here, nothing goes up the dooky chute, OK?

Hey, we're on the same page my south of the border friend.

And completely off-topic, well, kind of off-topic. Has anyone seen "Training Day" w/ Ethan Hawke & Denzel Washington? The scene where Ethan is left for uh, bad things at the Mexicans home? Talk about your close calls...:eek:
Originally posted by markgugs

Hey, we're on the same page my south of the border friend.

And completely off-topic, well, kind of off-topic. Has anyone seen "Training Day" w/ Ethan Hawke & Denzel Washington? The scene where Ethan is left for uh, bad things at the Mexicans home? Talk about your close calls...:eek:

Training Day is quite good. I own the DVD. Yeah, what was it, "Have you ever had your shit pushed in?" :lol:

Ok, I swear, this is it for a while. No, really.

Just ordered:
Amaran - A World Deprived
Diabolical - Synergy
Dissection - The Somberlain
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation +2 bonus
Gehenna - First Spell
Mithotyn - King of the Distant Forest
Nightshade - Wielding the Scythe
Otyg - Sagovindars Boning
Stormlord - At the Gates of Utopia
Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor
Ulver - Bergtatt
Windir - Soknardalr

Now I'm going to find some mental help.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Dude, are you rich?


But not struggling either. Let's just say doing alright. Sales Management as a profession helps a bit. As does not having children (not yet at any rate), a mortgage (rent), or a wife (still at girlfriend stage).
I'd have a lot more money if I moved in with the parentals, but they drive me nuts. The girlfriend is also not cheap, but what can I say, I love the girl. If she can put up with my wild opinion and constant bitching, she deserves what I can give her.

I used to be in sales. Not my thing though.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I'd have a lot more money if I moved in with the parentals, but they drive me nuts. The girlfriend is also not cheap, but what can I say, I love the girl. If she can put up with my wild opinion and constant bitching, she deserves what I can give her.

I used to be in sales. Not my thing though.

I didn't even move out of my parents' place until I was 27 for crying out loud! It's been 2 years now, but my best friend bought a house and the price was right to live with him. Girlfriend's are almost as expensive as wives I think! But you're right, they're worth it. My CD-buying/collecting (make no mistake about it, it's collecting too) obsession is my one necessary evil and she lets me do it. As long as I can afford dinners & movies, with the occasional vacation for us, I'm in the clear :D
I moved out at 23, and I think that might have been a little too early considering I live off of pizza and Kraft macaroni and cheese.
Just ordered:

Shape of Despair- 'Shades of..'
V/A: At the Ends of Infinity

For $13, both brand new, from The End
you think girlfreinds are expensive wait till you have a wife!
or husband depending if there is any woman in the house.
the men are just as expensive as the wives.
take it from someone whom is married!
Ah, the single life.
but then again, I did not own a home on the lake when I was single.