just out of curiousity.....

I play bass and guitar. But bass (4 string acoustic and 6 string electric) is my biggest passion and proficiency. I'm not in a band now. I work 2nd shift for a major bank. My drummer works 3rd shift Thur-Mon. Any of the guitarists, I last jammed with work 1st shift. Kinda tough to jam with those guys. :lol: Anyone wanna jam on the weekends?
how many people on this forum work in the music industry / are musicians?

I went to school for audio engineering and live sound production. I've managed bands in the past, worked in the print music industry, and have over a decade of vocal/choral performance and education. I started MADFEST in 2006 and am now the co-coordinator for Texas Madfest 2007. I've done promo work for Tofu Records and Nightmare Records. I work for a national booking agency and a multi-state music promotions group, and I currently write reviews of live shows for The Harder Beat, a local music newspaper.

I've finally reached the first of my goals - to work full-time in the music industry!

Welcome to the family ATL!
I Don't play anything :(
Don't work anywhere with music.....
I'm so shitty :cry: lol
... but my boyfriend loves me anyways !! hahaha

well, I do learn a LOT from him.... does that count?
I work for a Fortune 500 company too, but it's as exciting as watching grass grow. :erk: My dream is to work in the music industry full-time someday.

I actually went the other direction a few years ago, after getting laid off from a music industry job in Nashville at a time when the whole industry was tanking. I ended up having a really hard time finding the next job. Even though I was basically doing project management work, which can be translated to just about any industry, potential employers didn’t view what I was doing as a “real” job.

I could see doing some work in music on the side at some point, but don’t think I would go back full time – unless I won the lottery. There’s something to be said for getting a paycheck every two weeks and having affordable health insurance.

Oh, and I play piano – but just well enough to amuse myself.
I 'volunteer' my time in music promotions

but after tomorrow, I'll be working in music management... band management to be precise. ;)

Halcyon Way band management, to be even more precise. :cool:

I'm a college student at MTSU in the pre-pharmacology field and have been playing drums for 5 and 1/2 years now in various bands, but the most successful is band I've been in for a year now, Oblivion Myth. We just finished a full length CD, are booking shows, and are having a blast making power/prog metal. Thanks to Hoyt, we're getting out of state for the first time to play Atlanta on Feb 17! :rock:
Guitar for 23 years, bass for 20 and drums for 24. Military keeps me too busy to do much with it anymore, but I still play every day and am trying to hook up with a band here in Charleston. I miss gigging and recording and am gonna try to start up a home studio in the near future....