Inner Peace

New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2006
....Do you choose your bands based on your taste or do you base it on what the "community" wants? This is strictly a curiousity. I think you do very well every year but I was curious how this festival comes together:rock:
It's truly a combination of (in no specific order):

1. Demand/Popularity
2. My personal taste
3. Schedule Availability
4. Cost
5. Roster Balance
6. Returnee Factor
7. Gut

On any given day, one factor can influence the others. There is no concrete method of roster choice.
It's truly a combination of (in no specific order):

1. Demand/Popularity
2. My personal taste
3. Schedule Availability
4. Cost
5. Roster Balance
6. Returnee Factor
7. Gut

On any given day, one factor can influence the others. There is no concrete method of roster choice.

*** Thanks Glenn!!!! You are great at what you do:kickass:
Glenn, how many times has #1(Demand/Popularity) outweighed #2(Personal Taste) and #4(Cost). You don't have to name names, but I'm just curious how often you've booked bands that you don't have a "personal taste" for.