How many more Prog Power's does Glenn have left?

I for one hope Glenn and Cindy(as this is a family business) continue to make wishes and dreams come true for so many of us. I have seen how Glenn and Cindy put so much of their heart and soul into this, and ladies and gents that is what makes it so unique. You will hear Glenn state "this is a business" and that is true it is a business, butttttt it is also a labor of love. Love for the music, and A love for his friends and fans. I have been a sponsor for the past two years, and it is great just to see what goes on behind the scenes, and how much Glenn and Cindy and the entire crew puts into the show every year. I will continue to submit a sponsorship bid every year as long as I am physically able to, and hope that the day never comes when Glenn hangs it up.


Couldn't have said it better m'self, as a band sponsor now since PPUSA III. :kickass:
I would think that as long as there is money to be made, SOMEONE will do it even if Glenn tires of it. Why not Shane, for example?

From a business perspective, the main problem I see is that the headliner quality bands are now getting too expensive and touring regularly in the US, and no new headliners are taking their place in the "Big draw but not quite ready for regular US touring" category that bands like Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Stratovarius, and Edguy occupied in Progpower's early days. So you've got a situation where the true headliners are unaffordable or not very exciting due to extensive US touring, but not enough new talent to be a big draw at the top.

If I was doing this, I'd sign the expensive bands anyway and move to a bigger venue. A PPIII-style lineup could fill a 1500-2000 seater, I'd bet.