Just played a show tonight...

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
The first band was not very impressive...and get this- their guitar player had a nice Dual Rectifier half stack with brown leather looking tolex, but he ran it on the clean channel the whole time and used some big Boss multi-effects processor in front of it to get his distorted sound! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?
Not many kids know what "good guitar sound" sounds like. I've had MANY people tell me they like the fizz/skreeching sound coming from a roland cube/metal zone etc with gain on 100%.
Getting them to change their tone is as hard as convincing you that tube amps ruin guitar tone.
eck, I've had to record a band like that, it took me FOREVER to convince the guy to record with his amps distortion. I can't believe that people can be that deaf and stupid
The first band was not very impressive...and get this- their guitar player had a nice Dual Rectifier half stack with brown leather looking tolex, but he ran it on the clean channel the whole time and used some big Boss multi-effects processor in front of it to get his distorted sound! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?

Maybe he was a drummer before he started playing guitar?
this is all just leftover crumbs from the nu metal era that was like such a setback for... well... not even music, but life. it was a setback for humanity.

i can't stand going to a show when people think they get a diamond plate dual rec and all of a sudden they are metal and don't know how to make it sound remotely good. and yes the jerkoff guitar center plague also. gain10, mid0, etc. etc...

it pisses me off and pisses my ears off.
I find the worst guitar center-ism to be the Stevie Ray Vaughn wannabbes playing the amin pentatonic scale all over the place with horrid sounding sour bends through a fuckin crate combo with equally shitty sound, or the motherfuckers that like to play WAY to fuckin loud.
I picked up my Hellraiser 2 days before Christmas at a GC in Canton, Michigan.

Note to self: NEVER, EVER set foot in a GC 2 days before Christmas without earplugs.

Actually, I had to go to the same one last Sunday to pick up some drum goodies. Some kid is in the drum department bashing away full volume on a really bad double bass run. After trying in vain to talk to the clerks behind the counter about what I needed, I said to them: "That kid's got 30 seconds before I go over there and jam those sticks up his ass!"

Thankfully, one of the clerks yelled to the kid: "HEY! THAT'S ENOUGH!" And we got some peace. :)

I have a friend that works in the guitar accessories dept. at a GC. I think the whole reason he started smoking was so he could take breaks every few minutes just to get away from all the noise. :goggly: He's also always MORE than willing to help customers carry stuff out to their cars (ahhh...the peace & quiet outside). :lol:
i also love when i go there to buy like picks or strings and i just like to go hassle them. i'll ask them about something just because i know i will hear a wrong answer so i wanna hear what kind of lie they make up to answer my question. the last time i did this i walked up to a guitar with emghz on it and the guy came over with a used car salesman smile and said "thinking of picking this up today?" and i was like "yeah well let me ask you a question, are these the real emg pickups that metallica uses?" and he goes "absolutely, these are special editions that's why they say HZ on them" so i replied "really, what are the differences?" he goes "well they put these on the better models they sound a lot better and have more bite" and then i blocked the rest out from my memory. i've also done this with like the pro audio stuff, i remember a guy was trying to sell me on buying like the marhsall made microphoneor whatever and he was telling me that i could pay three grand for a u87 but if i put them side to side i can't even tell the difference so i might as well save my money and that if i bought that mic today he would throw in a free xlr cable.

you think i'm kidding you, but i kid you not, this is the type of stuff that happens.
you think i'm kidding you, but i kid you not, this is the type of stuff that happens.

I hear ya. A while ago I went to a local music store to get some new strings and encountered a classic summer job employee. The string packets are hanging on the wall behind the counter.

"Hi, I'd need a couple packs of 13-56 electric guit strings, please."
"Hmm, we don't have any. They don't make strings that thick."
"Really, they don't?" (I've been playing with 13-56 as long as I can remember)
"Yeah, the thickest you're gonna get it probably 10-52 and even that's gonna be really hard to play unless you're very experienced."

I stood in silent awe for a second, walked behind the counter and grabbed two packs of 13-56 strings. Well, at least he gave me a discount :)
The last time i did this i walked up to a guitar with emghz on it and the guy came over with a used car salesman smile and said "thinking of picking this up today?" and i was like "yeah well let me ask you a question, are these the real emg pickups that metallica uses?" and he goes "absolutely, these are special editions that's why they say HZ on them" so i replied "really, what are the differences?" he goes "well they put these on the better models they sound a lot better and have more bite" and then i blocked the rest out from my memory.

Dude, that's the most despicable thing I've ever heard...was this the 14th St. GC by any chance?
i see to many guitarist like that, my personal fave is the Triple rec with a metal zone, WHY spend so much on a tube head known for it's crunch just to use the shittiest distortion box ever made? although the big metal producer in my area does that, he has some magic touch that makes it actually sound decent. he ended up sounding like a marshall:erk:. i had to re-track some guitars with him once, and he tried the metalzone thing and i hated it. i just went straight into his Triple and it was great. part of the reason i retired my triaxis/2:90 in favor of a head