Just regular old rock n' f'n roll...

Maxim has gone gay. First Jessica Simpson in jeans and a t-shirt (wtf?), and the following month Avril Lavigne, our unholy priestess of the devil horns and inverted elbows, just hanging out in...*gasp*....jeans and t-shirt.

Is jeans and t-shirt the new lingerie or something, because I must have missed that memo.
I'm gonna start hunting for the earlier albums, then. Really solid stuff this is. ANd here I thought it was MTV fodder.
I think Bush should be mentioned here. It has been many many years since I so much as gave them the time of day, but my buddy tossed on their first album a few nights ago and I was reminded how solid a lot of the songs are (the ones not making radio play). I never cared much for their later stuff though.
The early Monster Magnet albums, are not as heavy and riff oriented as their recent ones (From "Dopes.." to "Monolithic Baby"), they are full of Hawkwind influences. Get "Powertrip" and the new one ("Monolithic Baby") if you havent yet.
One Inch Man said:
Avril is in the new Maxim (US edition anyhow, UK gets a different one don't they?), but she doesn't show much the fuckin' slut.
No, now you mention it, she is on the cover of the one we get here. I saw the cover pic in a tabloid or something, and I was like "Avril Lavigne? No fucking way. It's gotta be a lookalike"...fuck, if that's true then, I'm getting that mag on Friday along with GTA: San Andreas :D I love Avril :Saint:
anyone ever check out Social Distortion's "White Heat White Light White Trash"? I never heard their ealier punk albums, but WHWLWT was a brilliant album. Just good ol' rock n' roll. "Down Here With the Rest of Us" is one of the finest rock songs ever.
I can't stand Social D and the fact that that album name rips off The Velvet Underground makes me dislike them even more.
really? THat album is really, really good. I never cared to hear their earlier punk, country, rock, rockabilly albums, but WHWLWT is a solid listen.
I haven't heard very much of them but was always bored to tears with what I did. I have a buddy who is pretty into them, I'll see if he has that album so I can bum it or something.
I went to a Stones concert once. It was surprisingly a good time- young and old, all getting hammered. Its good that generations can agree on the mastery of a bunch of skinny english drug addicts rip offs of the blues. sort of the same for Led Zeppelin I would imagine if the three of them decided to get back together.
Opeth17 said:
So no one's heard of Dixie Witch? Suppose to be a rock/southern/stoner rock band that looks interesting. All I know is that an album of theirs is available on Red Stream and looks interesting. :tickled:
oh yeah i used to hear about them playing in dallas all the time...i think they're from here. heard em on the radio a time or two. not bayd.