just sayin hello

Sargent E

New Metal Member
Apr 8, 2002
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My fellow headbangers, can you feel it. Can you feel the Metal as it courses through your veins!! To quote the Ozzman " It's a sign of the times, moving forward in reverse." I'm new to this board but not new to the scene. By's we've got somthing going here.We're gettin' the right idea.

Just a word to the crew in Oberon. Think about the whole all ages thing. In terms of promotion of the scene, excluding the all-ages crowd means that a lot of kids are not seeing cool bands. I've seen all-ages shows that would be twice as packed as a bar show.Also,I recall, that the last all-ages show you guys did went down pretty well. I only say this cuz I think all-ages shows are important. But you gotta to do what you think is best for your band.

Anyway, I've said enough, go f@#king crazy!!!!!!!!!:headbang:
i agree with the seargent...all ages shows are a very good thing to do cause you show all the kids what is goung on in the local scene, and they grow up supporting it. who gives a shit what they like...they pay to see you play and then you show them what metal is all about.
and you tell them to go to f#@k if they request some korn!!!
I'm sure you'll see Oberon playing an all ages show in the future.
I agree, I think we went over pretty good at the one we played in Febuary(?) at Calio's. I'll also agree that maybe the Crue and W.A.s.P. material may have went over their heads,but I consider it a lesson in metal.Who knows.............we're just not ready to play this all-ages gig coming up,but we'll see you all on the 26th,and I'm sure at an all-ages gig in the future.
If I hadn't had somebody show me what metal is I'd probably be listening to Pearl Jam and NOFX now, because I wouldn't know any better. Thankfully I was shown the path to something better.

Playing all ages shows might result in a few of those kids saying something similar in a few years time.

That would be nothing but a good thing.