Just saying hello. :)


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2002
Hi.. just thought I'd announce my prescence on this board.
A quick introduction of myself:
18 year old Swedish guy from Skellefteå (hometown of Vintersorg himself. :) ).
.. yeah.. that'll do.. short and nice. :p

And if Vintersorg is around the board: Just thought I'd say you really seem like a nice guy.. I met you when you where shopping on ICA Supermarket here in "schtaan" (quite some time ago) and we exchanged a few words.. I don't expect you to remember me. :D Just wanted to say, thanks for the chat. :)
Originally posted by RaYDeN
And if Vintersorg is around the board: Just thought I'd say you really seem like a nice guy.. I met you when you where shopping on ICA Supermarket here in "schtaan" (quite some time ago) and we exchanged a few words.. I don't expect you to remember me. :D Just wanted to say, thanks for the chat. :)

This is where I go: "WHAT DID HE BUY?!?!??!" lol >:o)))

Helloes right back at ya RaYDeN! Hope to see you stay,
and post loads :o)
Yeah! I remeber you, you're standing just beside the "CoffeShop" right?? I do my grocery shopping at ICA(e.s.p Ica Kvantum)Willy's, Konsum, OBS......etc........hehehehehehehe

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Yeah! I remeber you, you're standing just beside the "CoffeShop" right?? I do my grocery shopping at ICA(e.s.p Ica Kvantum)Willy's, Konsum, OBS......etc........hehehehehehehe

mr V

Yup, that's me. :) Hehe..

Blackspirit: *doh* how in the world could I forget to ask what he bought??? :confused: :grin:

Winter-frost: thank you, thank you very much. :rock: