just showing off...

Oct 8, 2002
just thought you all might get a kick out of it...


that's right... it's a crocheted flail...
and you thought crocheting is for grannys...
i think i might look into crocheting/knitting a battle axe head at some point...
LoL pretty badass. Is there at least a hunk of lead inside the ball part?
LoL pretty badass. Is there at least a hunk of lead inside the ball part?

unfortunately no lead inside the ball... although i have thought about using metal spikes (you know the kind that attaches with a screw... the ones that ppl use on collars)... but then i didn't really want the ppl i know to get hurt by it so the idea was put aside for another project...
OK, you need to put something like that on ebay! I know a buttload of people who'd buy one... (YES, I know - so my friends are weird. What are you going to do about it? Beat them with a crocheted flail?)
OK, you need to put something like that on ebay! I know a buttload of people who'd buy one... (YES, I know - so my friends are weird. What are you going to do about it? Beat them with a crocheted flail?)

I'm gonna make some more as soon as my arms don't feel like they're gonna fall off... I knit/crochet a bit... much... (Fredrik can confirm that...:rolleyes:)
But I'm gonna sell them on Etsy... kinda like Ebay but not... something like that...
None the less... here's the link to my "store" if anyone is interested...