Just the New.....


Apr 15, 2001
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OZZY Album today "Down to Earth". A little to early to give it the thumbs up or down yet only listened to it once so far hopefully it will grow on me, it has has a couple of ballads very beatleish (i guess) rest just typical Ozzy. Seems funny that Zakk plays on the Album but not credited with any of the songs , Joe Holmes must of got the arse.

The Multimedia thingie is good with a 10 minute video most of its from don't blame me with some added footage of the Ozzfest with fans saying Ozzy is the Godfather of Metal. Supose better than nothing as the Sabbath Albums been put back.

Also got a Second hand Copy of Preists "Demolition" again to early to rave about it but shit its heavy, hopefully they will still tour.

See you at M4TB who ever is going,
New Ozzy doesn't excite me much, I think he has well and truely past his prime.

Demolition however is fantastic. Don't listen to the negative press about it and give it a chance. It has some great songs, like
Hell Is Home
Feed On Me
Jeckyl and Hyde
Machine Man
Ive got demolition, Ive had it since it came out, I havent listened to it properly yet, Ill have to bring it to work tomorrow and do so :)
I bought the new Slayer on your judgement alone Spawn, so take my adivce and don't listen to the arrogant Halford sheep how will try and tell you otherwise. On it's own, Demolition is a great slab of metal. :headbang:

By the way, thanks for recommending Go Hates Us All. It has been quite pleasant listening. :D
Originally posted by Sydo
I bought the new Slayer on your judgement alone Spawn, so take my adivce and don't listen to the arrogant Halford sheep how will try and tell you otherwise. On it's own, Demolition is a great slab of metal. :headbang:

By the way, thanks for recommending Go Hates Us All. It has been quite pleasant listening. :D

My pleasure :D
Demolition is going to be listened to properly tomorrow :D
Ozzy's solo stuff has never been my cup o' tea, though "Tribute" is most enjoyable, and I would have bought "The Ozzman Cometh" if the tracklisting had been anywhere near decent.

Re: Priest, I'm fairly new to these guys after getting "Metalworks" for my birthday. Damn good collection, but now I'd like to try out some of their more recent stuff with Ripper. What's the concensus on "98 Live Meltdown"?

Originally posted by Spiff
I'm about halfway through the new Ozzy album. It had better get good *real* fast, otherwise I have a brand new coaster.

That would be even funnier if I wasnt looking forward to the album so much...oh dear. :cry:
OK, I'm a bit late with this, but I've just listened to some of In Flame's stuff.

I vote Spawny on this one! Great music, poor vocalist.

Now to grab some Bodom...(I'll be back)

98 Live Meltdown is a great live album !!
They play songs from all over thier carrer and it is a good way to hear ripper sing live before the tour. He more then handles the job of filling Rob's shoes ... still he ain't no Halford but he's probably the next best thing.
His signing on Rapid fire is a definate standout ... Takes the cheese factor right up to eleven :D
well i like it anyway especially Gets me through , Facing Hell, Alive, and Junkie . The isuue I have its a bit short on time only 48minutes feel as though I 'am robbed of a couple of tracks .
Buy it!!!!!!! but as I have said before I'd buy a collection of Ozzy's farts if they were recorded.

You could always wait 6 months and then it will be in the Bargin bins for $20 bucks.