just thought i'd whine...

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
ya...i cut my long luscious blond death metal hair - after 9 years of head-banging glory half way down my arse its all gone.

feels so good to get air to my head again! although im going to look ridiculous on stage now with my slick new brill-creamed hair.

anyone want to buy a foot and a half of hair? :loco:
I know some hospitals here in canada take donated hair to make wigs for chemo therapy patients as long as it's cut and kept together. i.e. not in a pile swept off the floor. That would be a noble thing to look into doing with it.
anyone want to buy a foot and a half of hair? :loco:

In Sweden you get about 10 bucks per centimeter(If its non-dyed and in good condition.), which means that in Sweden, you would get about 570$ for your hair.
But then you have to cut it at the hairsaloon that sells the hair. :p
That kicks ass. I have all kinds of extra pubes laying around here.

ahahahahah.. i know someone who needs a beard and will pay good money?

also my friend grows his hair, then shaves it off for nhs(i think it is) to make wigs for people who had cancer.. or something like that.
I've been wanting to cut mine recently but my fiance won't let me. Maybe after it reaches my ass I'll have an excuse for a haircut.
i dont understand people with cancer wearing wigs! if your getting treatment just shave it off and be a man about it, for woman though i understand though. image is everything.
Why cut it in the first place? Explain that to us first :Smug:

Is it for the ladies? :danceboy:
I knew someone would beat me.....didn't think it'd be that quick. *passes the weird crown*
ok so your all dudes yea? lasts say you get cancer and they are treating you with chemotherapy which in most cases causes hair loss. would you like to wear a wig outside and imagine 1 day its windy and it falls off - you'd look ridiculous! yet if you just get a razor to your head 1st before your hair starts to fall out your head will look more normal in the long run because you wont have patches of hair missing.

i would way prefer to go bald then to wear a stupid looking wig.

like i said i understand for woman because image is highly important to them (hence the hair salons, makeup etc)

your fucking guys! be a fucking man and shave the thing and admit to the world you have cancer but your not letting it control your life. cut your hair before the chemo does!
ok so your all dudes yea? lasts say you get cancer and they are treating you with chemotherapy which in most cases causes hair loss. would you like to wear a wig outside and imagine 1 day its windy and it falls off - you'd look ridiculous! yet if you just get a razor to your head 1st before your hair starts to fall out your head will look more normal in the long run because you wont have patches of hair missing.

i would way prefer to go bald then to wear a stupid looking wig.

like i said i understand for woman because image is highly important to them (hence the hair salons, makeup etc)

your fucking guys! be a fucking man and shave the thing and admit to the world you have cancer but your not letting it control your life. cut your hair before the chemo does!

Il agree with Chryst Krispies here, thats the most retarded statement ever.

Personally, id rather eat a large pile of warm shit with a teaspoon then go bald.
But i don't know, maybe thats just because i have a terrible condition called "Heavy Metal" that causes me to be kick-ass all the time. :erk: