Ok I'll try to make this interesting and avoid typos. Some
friends and I arrived at the club about 10:45. My first thought was nice place but a little small for Anthrax. I had the impression in my little head, the band was going to be there for the video shoot. Alas, they were not.
This was basically to get footage of people head banging and going ape shit in a small personal way. Basically what happened was this. The film crew (sorry I forgot names) would have an individual stand up in front of the camera and go spaztastic as the GOTE version of Death Rider played n the background. They probably filmed at least twenty people head banging. Some played air guitar, some did the traditional speed metal bang. Some of us looked cool; some of us looked fuckin retarded. Now my first thought was "this is really fucking gay". My good buddy Gene did not think so. He was going apeshit like he did an 8 ball of cheap meth. (Just for the record Gene does not do amphetamines).
Being a little timid at first I approched one of the crew (she was hot) I asked the lady with the camera if any one planned to do a flip of the bar per Mr Wu's request. She said no but asked me if I would be interested in attempting it? Who am I to say no to a good looking women. Especially one that wants to film my ass act retarded. So, I agreed as long as there were some folks who could catch my chunky dairyaire. Well a few a folks were up to the task including ECW's own BALLS MAHONEY. Thanks to him and a few others I did not break my neck over the five or so takes done of me pathetically trying to do a decent mock stage dive. Let me tell ya kids. I'm pushing six foot one and two hundred sixty lbs. Mahoney caught me like I was an empty can of beer. That guy is one strong (and very cool) mother fucker. Thanks Balls. Well I had my 15 minutes of fun. And was ready to Jet But who do I see from the corner of my eye!?!?!?! (Besides mullets and gorgeous women). Ms Julia, from Uranium. Now my fellow board members, I know I've goofed on her in the past but this girl is HOT. She seams really cool and may actually be very intelligent. Huba huba. Julia, a lady like you is every heterosexuals greatest fantasy. Now not only is this chick a looker, she is a fan. She got up there and did the most sexy, heavy metal vixen, head bang I have ever seen. Mucho props to Julia. Would it be to much to ask if I could father your children?
After that a few of us such as Balls Mahoney, Gene, most of the beautiful women, that hot girl who was filming (I'm sorry I forgot your name, again) some homeless guy and I, did whatever they wanted for the camera. I got to admit we all hammed it up. Hopefully some of the shit we did will be worth using for the video (Seeing Balls Mahoney hang from a street light in true psycho metal fashion was great). I just hope when I dove off the bar it looked decent. And to be honest it was more of an aerial twist then a front flip.. Hey at least I tried. Getting decent air with my blimp sized rear end isnt easy these days.
I got no sleep and had to assist the vets at my day job in surgery today. But I had a blast, it was well worth it.
Oh yeah. Dino. were the fuck where ya?
friends and I arrived at the club about 10:45. My first thought was nice place but a little small for Anthrax. I had the impression in my little head, the band was going to be there for the video shoot. Alas, they were not.
This was basically to get footage of people head banging and going ape shit in a small personal way. Basically what happened was this. The film crew (sorry I forgot names) would have an individual stand up in front of the camera and go spaztastic as the GOTE version of Death Rider played n the background. They probably filmed at least twenty people head banging. Some played air guitar, some did the traditional speed metal bang. Some of us looked cool; some of us looked fuckin retarded. Now my first thought was "this is really fucking gay". My good buddy Gene did not think so. He was going apeshit like he did an 8 ball of cheap meth. (Just for the record Gene does not do amphetamines).
Being a little timid at first I approched one of the crew (she was hot) I asked the lady with the camera if any one planned to do a flip of the bar per Mr Wu's request. She said no but asked me if I would be interested in attempting it? Who am I to say no to a good looking women. Especially one that wants to film my ass act retarded. So, I agreed as long as there were some folks who could catch my chunky dairyaire. Well a few a folks were up to the task including ECW's own BALLS MAHONEY. Thanks to him and a few others I did not break my neck over the five or so takes done of me pathetically trying to do a decent mock stage dive. Let me tell ya kids. I'm pushing six foot one and two hundred sixty lbs. Mahoney caught me like I was an empty can of beer. That guy is one strong (and very cool) mother fucker. Thanks Balls. Well I had my 15 minutes of fun. And was ready to Jet But who do I see from the corner of my eye!?!?!?! (Besides mullets and gorgeous women). Ms Julia, from Uranium. Now my fellow board members, I know I've goofed on her in the past but this girl is HOT. She seams really cool and may actually be very intelligent. Huba huba. Julia, a lady like you is every heterosexuals greatest fantasy. Now not only is this chick a looker, she is a fan. She got up there and did the most sexy, heavy metal vixen, head bang I have ever seen. Mucho props to Julia. Would it be to much to ask if I could father your children?
After that a few of us such as Balls Mahoney, Gene, most of the beautiful women, that hot girl who was filming (I'm sorry I forgot your name, again) some homeless guy and I, did whatever they wanted for the camera. I got to admit we all hammed it up. Hopefully some of the shit we did will be worth using for the video (Seeing Balls Mahoney hang from a street light in true psycho metal fashion was great). I just hope when I dove off the bar it looked decent. And to be honest it was more of an aerial twist then a front flip.. Hey at least I tried. Getting decent air with my blimp sized rear end isnt easy these days.
I got no sleep and had to assist the vets at my day job in surgery today. But I had a blast, it was well worth it.
Oh yeah. Dino. were the fuck where ya?