Charlie played w/ SOAD last night

they do have some killer songs but i will say this,not many of these new heavy metal bands have an album u cant skip thru,those days are well and truly over,sad but true.
I thought there new record paid a lot of homage to thrash. They bust out the old E pedal and harmonic minor as if they had been listening to nothing but Kill 'em All and Fistfull.
nafnikufesin said:
You're not alone. The guys voice bugs me, a few okay riffs here and there. Didn't mind the political messages in earlier albums, but the lyrics on Mesmerize were flat-out childish and moronic. I mean, my 3-year-old son could write more intelligent lyrics than some of that crap.

Is your son one of those three-year old prodigies in college? It's really great that he knows the meaning of words like genocide
I really dig System; I consider them the best of the late 90s new metal bands. Mesmerize is a great record and they are only getting better.
ZeeZooZum said:
Is your son one of those three-year old prodigies in college? It's really great that he knows the meaning of words like genocide
No, but using words like that doesn't make the song intelligent. Let's see...
SOAD said:
My cock is much bigger than yours My cock can walk right through the door
More juvenile crap said:
Hey man, look at me rockin'out I'm on the radio Hey man, look at me rockin'out I'm on the video...(then repeat over and over)
Need more proof? said:
There's nothing wrong with me There's something wrong with you There's something wrong with me I hope your stepson doesn't eat the fish
Yeah said:
Everybody everybody everybody livin now everybody everybody everybody fucks...(repeat over and over then...) It's a nonstop disco Bet you it's Nabisco Betcha didn't know...(repeat over and over, then repeat the first part over and over again)
I'd quote more of this retarded shit, but I'd basically just be cutting and pasting entire songs :Puke:
nafnikufesin said:
No, but using words like that doesn't make the song intelligent. Let's see... I'd quote more of this retarded shit, but I'd basically just be cutting and pasting entire songs :Puke:

Your missing the point to some of those lyrics and just taking them for what they are. The lyrics in 'Cigaro' are about politicians and how its like a pissing contest between them.

Stupid lyrics or works and Mezmerize is a good album.
fuelee2004 said:
Your missing the point to some of those lyrics and just taking them for what they are. The lyrics in 'Cigaro' are about politicians and how its like a pissing contest between them.

Stupid lyrics or works and Mezmerize is a good album.

Most of the lyrics are satricial. Though you may not like them or actually understand them, which is fine, claiming the lyrics to Cigaro or Violent Pornography are at the level of a 3 year old is totally silly and pointless hyperbole.
PLEASE!! The only statement that SOAD make to me, is that people need to keep donating their time and money to Jerry's Kids to fight against retards picking up musical instruments.
I have never posted on a board like this before, and only came here because I was interested in hearing about the new Anthrax tour, but after reading some of this childish stuff, felt I had to say something....

It's very sad to see that a lot of fans of old metal are stuck there. I have been a fan of Heavy Metal since before the term was invented. I love Anthrax, Metallica, Pantera, Death, Ozzy, Black Sabbath etc... but I also love that there are new bands bringing great music out like System of a Down, Slipknot, Scum of the Earth etc... This is coming from someone that was in a fairly popular Death Metal band in the 90's (I won't say who, because it doesn't matter), but I know from which I speak.

I assume that if you are on this board you are a fan of Anthrax, well they are big fans of System, so maybe you should give them a chance. If these new talented metal bands don't get our support, their will be no more metal except what you already own. I was at the Chicago show, and was backstage and met the guys in Anthrax, very cool guys by the way, and they spent their time backstage talking to the members of SOAD and then going out and jamming to them during the show !!

That's all I really had to say.... as far as System's lyrics, well, you can either think about them and enjoy their intelligent inferences, or just jam out and have fun, that's what's so cool about them.... Here's a little article from a paper in Chicago about System and their lyrics, maybe it will help some to understand....

"SYSTEM OF A DOWN, HELLA SYSTEM OF A DOWN are nu metal's Mothers of Invention: they make left turns out of nowhere, segueing from Slipknot to Sublime, and write dumbed-down but sneakily political lyrics about giant cocks and "gonorrhea gorgonzola" and suchlike. Singers Daron Malakian and Serj Tankian play at being hammy meatheads, parodying the snotty Blink-182 whine and the marble-mouthed billy-goat voice Eddie Vedder made famous: "Radio/Video," the second single from the new Mezmerize (Columbia), begins with the refrain "Hey man look at me rockin' out / I'm on the radio." As with Zappa's stuff, the stylistic leapfrogging can be a little annoying--sometimes you just wanna bang your head into oblivion, but these guys like to drop out of a vicious grind and make with the sarcastic touchy-feely power-ballad stuff. They're smart enough to know that their core demographic is maybe not so smart, so they repeat themselves over and over to penetrate the old gray matter--the antiwar song "B.Y.O.B." hammers on the line "Why do they always send the poor?" at least a dozen times. Of course, some people are just too thick to catch on. I heard a DJ on the Zone offer a rebuttal to the song a few months ago, before the station switched to an oldies format: "Duh," he said. "Of course they always send the poor. They're the only ones who sign up. Deal with it, man. Get over it." Hope you can sleep at night, dude. "
fuelee2004 said:
Your missing the point to some of those lyrics and just taking them for what they are. The lyrics in 'Cigaro' are about politicians and how its like a pissing contest between them...
Totally agree. It’s fine if you don’t like System of a Down. They’re not for everybody, but they are one of the few bands around today that aren’t so concerned with fitting the mould. They have listed their main influences as Mike Patton and Anthrax among others, and you can hear it, while they still have a unique sound of their own.