Just tried the hottest chilli in the world...


Sep 2, 2006
The naga jolokia!

These things are lethal, I have a huge chilli tolerance compared to most people I know, but even to me when I ate one if felt like someone had poured boiling hot water over my tongue, its really shit hot.

My parents think I'm crazy and I'm under strict instruction "not to feed them to your brother" :lol:

But after the initial pain and heat, you get this massive adrenaline kick, its really chestpounding stuff, I was bouncing around for a good half an hour, and I would definately take one again because despite the initial pain, its such a huge buzz.

Has anyone else ever tried them? I can tell they're gonna be great fun for parties. :kickass:
Considering that its about half as strong as pepper spray, i guess it is pretty spicy! ;)
But i REALLY want to try "The Source", its a spice ranked at 7.1 _MILLION_ Scoville units, which means that it is even stronger then the highest ranked pepper spray! :kickass:
You should try the Tree chilli here in Mexico, you fell you entire head exploding and then it gets numb for a while.
Considering that its about half as strong as pepper spray, i guess it is pretty spicy! ;)
But i REALLY want to try "The Source", its a spice ranked at 7.1 _MILLION_ Scoville units, which means that it is even stronger then the highest ranked pepper spray! :kickass:

Pepper spray is 5 million scovilles, so Naga's are about 1/5th of that.

The Source looks lethal, thats 1/2 of pure capsaicin which is basically the active component of any chilli. :p

You should try the Tree chilli here in Mexico, you fell you entire head exploding and then it gets numb for a while.

Whats their full name dude? I can't see to find how man scovilles they are... :err:
http://www.chez-williams.com/Hot Sauce/hothome.htm

Are the "Blair" labeled sauces used for edible stuff though?

And also, can one cause damage to the tongue or other innards with these sauces if one gulps down too much?

Capsaicin can literally kill you, not that its very likely that you would die from even drinking that entire Capsaicin bottle.. but you might.
But it might cause:

* Ulcers
* Swelling in the airways
* Swelling of the tonsils
* Damage to the cornea
* Increased heart rate & blood pressure

And it might alter the function of the taste buds.. so i would be pretty careful with that shit! ;P
Word...Ghost chili's will fuck you up. I once ate at a place that had this insane burger that used ghost chili's among some other ones, and I felt like death. Never do it...
I took them to a party last night.

Don't mix well with alcohol hahaha, had two dudes puke because of them, and another dude managed to touch one then touch his sack, burnage ensued, nasty!
so when's the Sneap hot sauce coming out then? take a leaf out of Hagars book.