Just Wanted To Say...

Oct 13, 2002
The Womb Of WA
Amazing job with the new album! Its only January and I can already say this will probably be #1 on my year end list. Waiting mid Feb for the original to be released just might kill me! I honestly didn't think you guys were gonna be able to top "Pale Haunt", being wrong has never felt so good.
I just left the "braveboard" and people over there are cumin' in their pants over NR. I can't wait to get this!! Anyway, I've been listening to Solitude Aeturnus-"Alone" for about a month now. Another excellent doom band. But, not to sound like a complete "fanboy" PHD imo, is better. "Alone" is an excellent album, good songs and strong playing and Robert Lowe is phenominal but, I must say based on everything I'm hearing NR is going to blow "Alone" out of the water. Novembers Doom are the absolute NO 1 doom/death band working today. Thanx for all of your awesome talents.
I appreciate the compliments. But I gotta say, I've been a fan of Solitude Aeturnus for years, and I'm pretty stoked about their new album and getting to play with them. I don't think SA and ND are even comparable, we're both just doing our own things and that's a good thing I think. I'm more than pleased that we're playing the same fest as them.
I must say based on everything I'm hearing NR is going to blow "Alone" out of the water.

No question! I'm a huge Solitude Aeturnus fan, huge! But I must admit being a little disappointed with "Alone". I was expecting a more epic, more powerful release. Its good, but just that, good. Nothing about it made me feel it was worth the insanely long wait.

The Novella Reservoir however :notworthy
I certainly did not intend to disparage an excellent band. Of course, there are differences, all I was saying is that FOR ME, Novembers Doom have a more powerful and forceful sound. Solitude Aeturnus are are a superior band compared to a lot of doom metal out there, Novembers Doom, imo, have risen to the Mountain top. Peace.