Just wanted to share some exciting news...


Down For Five Band Member
Jan 20, 2004
Hey guys, it's Janna from Down For Five. We got a call from The Galaxy Club in Dallas this evening and they got one of our press kits and liked what they heard, so they booked us for a metal show for Sunday, February 22. This is a pretty big deal and we're really excited. If you're wondering "how does this relate to Rapture Radio" well, in all reality, it does. It's outfits like Rapture Radio who willingly and graciously support bands like us and keep us motivated to keep pushing forward and reaching for that next goal. For us, breaking into the Deep Ellum district in Dallas has been one of our many goals and we're really excited about it. So I wanted to share that with you guys. And to also take this opportunity to once again thank Rapture Radio and its listeners for supporting Down For Five. We appreciate you very much!

Oh and Wes, dude, don't get down about slow forum activity. It's the same way on ours. It comes in spurts, so don't be discouraged. The people will come, just give it time. Rapture rocks!!!
well first off major fucking congrats!you guys deserve it and i hope you have a killer time!
rapture is indeed a tool to help underground bands take it up a notch and move on to other levels at the expence of nothing you send a disc in and we play it and if it does good (which yours has!)great if not no harm no foul on either side!this is one
of the reasons i decided writing reviews was sometimes my own worse enemy because i have to be honest i dont know any other way and when something sucks donkey balls i say it and spray better than 80% of all you white rappers out there.................wait this isnt the emeiniem forum is it?........oops.
the thing that bnothers me about rapture is not the lack of forum participation or listners.not exactly.
when i started this i thought to myself as i have thought for years oklahoma is such a market for metal there is vurtially zero metal available here on radio in stores or even shows but when it is avaiable it is eaten up in seconds people flock to shows the crowd is here and hungry so for sure this is gonna be a monster a metal radio station on the computer i will be considered the greatest thing since beachnut and nascar(it is oklahoma after all)and it just has not done as well here as i want it to.
granted okc is number 1 in listning hours every month with los angelas always in 2nd place.but no one is showing up at the board im a bit shocked honestly.
the station is doing very very well shit it is a long way from dominating the internet but we are usually getting around 300 hours of listning time a month and that is like people being logged on for 15 days straight or essentially half of the month.
and all over the world we have listners!
i really just am sad it hasnt taken off in oklahoma as well as i had hoped.
once agin congrats and dont that us thank you and the guys for sticking to what you believe in!
Hey, I'm just now getting back to this thread...things have been wild lately.

I completely understand your frustration as far as stuff not taking off here in Oklahoma as quickly as first anticipated. I made a point last week at one of our shows to ask some different people if they had internet access and I was shocked at how many said they didn't. In my opinion, everything is shifting to the internet. It's such a killer tool to use to get to so many people you otherwise would never even meet. Perhaps alot of people here in Oklahoma just simply aren't hooked up yet on the internet. That sounds funny, but like I said, I've been shocked at how many people we come in contact with have said they don't have internet access. Some don't even have computers.

I've been trying to figure out various ways to increase our internet traffic on our site too. It can be a real mystery, but all we can do is keep doing what we do. Rapture is a good thing and you gotta keep it going and know that things will only improve as more word spreads and hopefully, as more people start getting hooked up to the vast world of online-ness (made up a word, heehee).

Keep rockin' Wes and Rapture...you guys rule.


P.S. - We'll let you know how Dallas goes. We'll be playing at the club where Six Feet Under played last Friday!