Thanks from Maxel Black of PENETRATOR.


New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2004
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has voted or e-mailed in to Rapture Radio and asked for Unleash the Fury to be played.
Also thanks for all your dedication to the band.
We could not have gotten this far without YOU!!!!!!!!
Special thanks go out to Wes and Rapture Radio for getting us out there.
Keep supporting Rapture Radio. We all need stations like this!
Again...a huge THANK YOU to all our fans.

Maxel Black
Hey Maxel,

Your CD is PURE POWER METAL!!!!!!!!!
Wicked set of pipes! I love that you have a unique way of's like your voice mutates from song to song!
How do you do it man? Killer range.
Keep the songs coming. Can't wait to hear the next CD you guys do!
I'm clearing my calendar so I can see your show at Healey's in Toronto.
I'll be the guy scream'n SHOCK THERAPY and buy'n up CDs for all my buddies.
Can't wait.

Just...Razz'n Hell. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
It's so cool to see a band member take the time to thank the fans.
It proves why they remain so dedicated.
This album is going to stir a lot of attention.
The word going around is that you WILL get signed SOON!
GREAT REVIEW on Hard Beyond Driven.
Unleash The Fury!
Wow! It's great to have you post!
I just love the CD. I'll be tuning in on Monday!
Keep Rocking!
:wave: :rock:
I can't believe the amount of people on here that have so quickly become Penetrator fans. This is fantastic for the band and it's future of course.
The show on Wednesday night in Toronto was great! Max and I talked afterwards about the set, the CD, and other things related to Heavy Metal.
Thanks for those of you that read my Penetrator review on my website.
I'll be posting here often.

Metal Mike.
You have great stage presence dude!
You know how to move a crowd.
I've been to every show, well all 3, and will continue to do so.
Love the new song. Too bad it's not on the CD.
Keep the Power Turned ON.
Boy, do you ever have devoted fans!
I just odered your cd and can't wait to hear it.
I read the praise you got in Brave Words.
I'd like to learn more about your band. I guess with shows and stuff you probably don't post often. I just thought I'd give it a shot.
I'll let you know what I think of the cd
Hey MetalHeads......
Just a quick note to tell you that PENETRATOR are playing LEE'S PALACE in Toronto this Thursday July 15th with Roses Dead and Pure Blank!!!
Also The Long Weekend Bar in Newmarket Ont. on July 24th PENETRATOR with Betrayer and BlackHour!!
Bring all your friends out to see these GREAT bands!!
Thanks for your support ..You guys that make it out to the shows FUCKIN' RULE!!!!!!!!!!! Wes,thanks for getting our music out there ..We really appreciate it>>>> THANX again.. ANGRY DAVE
PENETRATOR. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
The Lee's Palace gig already has something goin' on where it's 'FREE' for PENETRATOR fans....I'm not quite sure what that means.........I'm sure that Betty from METAL QUEEN has something up her sleeve.. I'll look into the Newmarket show and get back to you.........Great idea though, I'm sure we can slide some comp. stubs your way ..Why the fuck not........Nice chattin'
Angry.................................................................................. :rock: