
New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2004
I had the pleasure of speaking with a member of Warmachine at a MQM show when we were just establishing Penetrator.
I had just left MASTERY and MANIACAL, both of which I had recorded CD's with. The Maniacal cd featured Glen Drover of Eidolon playing guitar harmonies.
I have Warmachine's cd and have been a fan for a while now.
We are both with the same Management company.
I hope one day to have the pleasure of playing on the same bill as them.
They have worked hard to get to where they are today.
I have gone to many of their shows and will continue to do so.
Keep up the good work guys!

Maxel Black,
PENETRATOR. :kickass:
Dude you get cooler to me all the time and seem to understand exactly what Rapture is all about.The more people we can get to understand that Metal is about family and supporting each other the better things will be for all of us.
I am telling ya right now screw sharing a bill together Penetrator and Warmachine need to do a Canadian Tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want Tshirts from both bands soooooooooooo fuckin bad it hurts!
I might even make the trip to Canada for that show,Abd if you guys ever hit the states I will be there!
Man thanks for taking the time to come here and post and I hope you tune in tonight for The Rapture Sabbath!
Warmachine & Penetrator should definitely do some shows together in the near future!! We'd love to play with such fine Canadian Metal company!! Hopefully soon...

Thanx for all your support Wes!!! :)\m/
Warmachine and Penetrator. I'd go to that show for sure.
Hurry it up you two and start planning!
I wanna be there! :headbang:
You guys are both with the same Management company?!?!?
So why aren't you playing some shows together?
Come on. Get a move on.
I want to see this show!