Just wanted to show you my new Custom made Guitar


Master of Vandalizme
Apr 7, 2006
Hi all,

Just thought that you should see my new guitar:rock:. It's custom made by a local guitar builder called JEH Guitars. You can actually follow the progress on his site. The tekst are in danish - but enjoy the pics.



Yeah, very nice guitar, body looks like a Schecter Hellraiser ;)
I want to know the price, too if that is ok, searching for a good luthier that doesn't want to much money in europe.
My danish isn't that good (learned a bit when I was about 6 or 7 years old, but today I only remeber stuff like dag, farvel, ol (can't write that danish o with the line throug it)) so the price page on the site was a bit difficult for me to understand. But the prices seem ok if I understood everything right and I interpret that .pdf file right he charges something around 1350 Euros for a guitar like that.
I think I saw a bass on one of the picturs, looked like a Fender Jazzbass, not sure if it's a custom shop instrument or not, but I think a guy who is able to build guitars like that is able to build a bass, too.

That reminds me off restarting my d.i.y. bass project (the body is half finished, need a neck, electronics an so on).