K, I've finally made life choices and stuff.

Dec 27, 2004
School wasn't for me, I'm taking time off right now to work and all that. I've decided to go become a SCUBA Instruction Intern in Thailand when I've saved up enough money, and untill then just work my but off and sleep, basicly.


And before you ask, yes I have done extensive research on all different Intern programs, not just pick the first one I came across. Yes I've talked to Instructors/Students, and yes I am convinced it is a very good program. 7,000 Dollars includes all courses, apartment, and equiptment, in thailand, for 6 months. You can leave and come back at your own leisure, as long as you have paid. (For instance, I could do two months of training, come back home, work some more, go back, do 3 months, come home, etc etc.) But my goal is to just stay for the whole time, or as long as possible before I need to come home and work again.
Yea, I'll probobly still take classes and all that at somepoint, but right now I can't get myself to buckle down into that routine.
I have a friend who very recently did this exact same thing (in Thailand) after taking a couple of years off working in SE Asia. He said it was phenomenal, especially the nighttime dives.

Actually, when it finished, he moved to Malta for 3 months and did nothing but cave diving and shipwreck dives. He couldn't get enough of it I suppose.

I think he's done all variations now, except lake dives.
JayKeeley said:
I have a friend who very recently did this exact same thing (in Thailand) after taking a couple of years off working in SE Asia. He said it was phenomenal, especially the nighttime dives.

Actually, when it finished, he moved to Malta for 3 months and did nothing but cave diving and shipwreck dives. He couldn't get enough of it I suppose.

I think he's done all variations now, except lake dives.

So awsome, I can't imagine it being anything less then phenomenal.

I've always wanted to do those florida spring/lake dives. Supposedly they have the best visibility in the entire world, almost flawless.
lizard said:
man's not living bad if his work is something he enjoys, my friend.

Exactly my thoughts. Waking up to teach hotties how to dive in a tropical paradise every day = not to shabby =). (I know that probboly won't be the case, but hey just waking up to teach anyone to dive anywhere would be amazing).
Erik said:
good luck and more power to ye. i hope for your sake that thailand has bitches, booze and bullet belts.

The booze is cheap, and so are the bitches - this is why wearing a nightcap is essential if you want to go exploring the Asian caves with your good friend the bishop. AIDS is an artform in Thailand.

I know Tully's been out in the wilderness before, though, so I'm confident his Tully jr. will come out unscathed in the end. Congratulations to thee, Tully!