Kalmah Equipment


Active Member
Aug 21, 2008
anyone know what they use?
i know they are using custom amfisound guitars, but im not sure at all on amps or anything else.
they have a very interesting tone though :kickass:
i know they use some krank amps i do not know the model tho.

if you look through the pics of them in studio you can find out a lot

I am mostly curious on what equipment was used on the "They Will Return" album because the guitar tone is ass stomping:kickass:

Krank amps have really only been out for about 3 or 4 years so it can't be those on there but I do not doubt that they use them now days.

But if anyone knows what equipment was used on each album that would be helpful too because the tone on "the groan of wind" was pretty badass too.

Well, for the first three albums Antti used his Jackson (custom as well?) and line6 AXA212 if I'm not mistaken.
what jackson model did he use?
ive never seen it.
All i have ever seen is the amfisound (which is fucking beautiful)
what jackson model did he use?
ive never seen it.

I am not sure it was a CS Jackson Antti used. It should say CS on the headstock if it is custom.


i see.
its not a bad looking guitar but i personally think his amfisound is sexy as hell.
him and the lead singer/guitarist of naildown have absolutely gourgeous guitars.
Regardless though, i think Antti's lead tone is fucking epic.
Especially on... Just about everything he has ever recorded LOL
ive also noticed from some of their studio pics that they use 5150s it looks like, and the kranks as mentioned. I will check out their live footage and see what I can spot in there too.

is the bridge p/up a dimebucker and whats in the neck?

wow thats a really good pic. of that guitar. But yeah the bridge is a dimebucker and im not sure about the neck. Its in my mind but i can't think of it. maybe a JB or something? Idk, ill find out though
wow thats a really good pic. of that guitar. But yeah the bridge is a dimebucker and im not sure about the neck. Its in my mind but i can't think of it. maybe a JB or something? Idk, ill find out though

yeah it is idk how the hell i found it but there is not a guitar in the world i would like more than this one. i pass on the blk/pnk alexi for this axe!
yeah it is idk how the hell i found it but there is not a guitar in the world i would like more than this one. i pass on the blk/pnk alexi for this axe!

yeah im going to have to agree with you there. This guitar is what led me to discover amfisound. The next high-end guitar i buy will definitely be an amfisound custom shop now. They make the most epic guitars i have ever seen.


My personal favorite is the Naildown one actually:p