Kamelot please......


Feb 22, 2006
I love Kamelot but please stop:

1. The Forever schtick. Great song. Play it but stop the unnecessary crowd interaction and play another of your great songs instead.
2. March of Mephisto. PLEASE STOP PLAYING IT. It just ain't very good.
3. Rule the World. See #2.
4. You have SO many great and wonderful songs in your extensive catalog. Please do a better job of choosing those you play when you must play the new songs too.
5. Considering NOT attending the Dallas show as a result........
For Me, I just don't think the quality of songs are the same on the last four releases compared to The Fourth Legacy, Karma, Epica, & The Black Halo. The production is awesome and the talent is all there but the last 10 years nothing they have put out moves me the way those four titles I listed do... and those four I listed are some of my all time favorites! Especially the Black Halo! Looking at the set list they have for this tour I don't think I'd be happy ... I may still go but only because I want to see Battle Beast so bad!
I've talked to Sean about this before...they have tried putting an older song in the setlist on the last tour (can't remember which album but something off either Karma or Epica). They played the song a few times and dropped it because of the non-reaction from the crowd. The fact is that aside from us diehards on the PPUSA forum, the majority of fans that go to see Kamelot now came aboard on The Black Halo or after so they aren't going to know "Nights of Arabia" or 'Across the Highlands"..as much as I'd like to hear those tracks...
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I've talked to Sean about this before...they have tried putting an older song in the setlist on the last tour (can't remember which album but something off either Karma or Epica). They played the song a few times and dropped it because of the non-reaction from the crowd. The fact is that aside from us diehards on the PPUSA forum, the majority of fans that go to see Kamelot now came aboard on The Black Halo or after so they aren't going to know "Nights of Arabia" or 'Across the Highlands"..as much as I'd like to hear those tracks...
I always just assumed they constructed their setlists due to the composition of their fanbase, so I'm not surprised to hear a bandmember confirm that. Deeper cuts would be awesome but I don't expect them to leave 95% of the crowd looking around in confusion for the few of us who would go nuts for it.

I've always held out a bit of hope that they might do some sort of old school/fans choose the setlist type special show at ProgPower, hearing Tommy do some of their older material would be a hell of a lot of fun.