Kamelot Ghost Opera re-release

Although the artwork for Ghost Opera was my favorite in any Kamelot album, I don't really see why they're re-releasing it once more. I mean...the album hasn't even been out for that long. And besides, its not their best work...in my opinion. Kudos for Braxil's stand on this.
This kind of stuff pisses me off... Don't get me wrong - as a Kamelot fan I'm thrilled that they are releasing new content, but why do they have to package it with a CD that the majority of their fans already own? And since I'm feeling persnickity: Since when did a band's most recent album become a "classic?"

Yea, that.

I feel like I just BOUGHT this album. Yea, it was a bit of time but, damn, I feel like they're ASKING me to download it and hang out for the re-release that will be "better" and I was a moron to buy it from the beginning. As far as the music is concerned - I love it. The release factor - I feel screwed by the label. Fuck you; next time I'll wait a bit and get the "super-bonus" a little later. Stop screwing with us!
I'm pretty angry about CDs being re-released as well.

If I've already got it then I'm downloading whatever you've added to it. No milking me.
Over at a Kamelot livejournal community, one of the members said she was feeling an aweful lot like a milked cow over this. I'd have to agree. Moo.

*will NOT be buying this*

I'm HUGE on Kamelot - HUGE... and honestly, I got excited when they announced this but then started thinking about it and now I'm like, um... hmmm Why?... I've got all the bonus tracks from SP on - thank you Myths and Legends of Kamelot!! - and never been big on live stuff... However I do LOVE Ghost Opera...

But I completely agree with Orb here... Moo... :)
Kamelot's 'Everything we did before The Black Halo is irrelevant' attitude is really starting to piss me off. The words they've used to describe Ghost Opera are positively hilarious.

I would have to agree with this and this is coming from a HUGE Kamelot fan. I have every single one of their albums and now they aren't even playing "Nights of Arabia" from Fourth Legacy because they told me, "the crowd doesn't know it." Well, excuse me, but SOME of us have been around longer than TBH so what do we get?

As far as Ghost Opera goes, it's great but it's no Black Halo!