Karen, Flooding??

Souls of Black

Thrashing Tempest
Jul 2, 2002
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Damn, I just saw on weather station you guys are getting pounded. Hope you are OK....

Quickly, open a window, point your speakers that way, blast TGE as loud as your stereo will go and the storm will most certainly change directions and run....

But serious, Hope you are ok girl. My subdivision just got flooded last week, luckily, I was not one of the 10 or so houses that were underwater.

Sends my best karma your way......:saint:

p.s. this includes all the DC area NMBoarders..........
The obvious ones are obvious for a reason lol. I like to knock them out of the park when no one expects it ;)
it's been raining like fuck here for the past few days. off and on, and when it's on, it's fucking ridiculous.

the wind isn't that bad, so no barns being transported into people's yards ... though there are sure as hell enough around here that could be...
Nice ninja edit there Jeff! We know you don't really care about ellis, derick, laura, or myself. You just love karenbear to death.

No wesson-aided twister for you my friend.
Yeah I'm not in Arlington at the moment... I'm enjoying myself on the beach every morning, far from the rain Jeff :cool:

Luckily... my house is on a hill, so I heard there was no damage to my house or car, but the streets down the hill from me, I've heard had water in their cars and basements... sucks!

Thanks for the nice thread and the good thoughts thought :)
opsa that doesn`t sound good ...

we also had a fucking storminess yesterday ... my trousers were wet up to my knees ... gladly i only had my flipflops on *rofl*

well but it was a nice party so who cares about the weather ;)

i`m glad that nothing has happened to u and ur things karen ...
Here in Richmond, 90 miles south of DC, we are getting lucky. Lots of rain, but minimal flooding and no tornadoes or severe winds. Northern VA and areas W and NW , however, including the JAXX area is getting a brutal amount of weather...up to 2 inches of rain an hour at times!!

Hell, yesterday they closed the IRS building in downtown DC. They didn't even close that on 9/11!