
See You In Hell

Is this the real McCoy?
Feb 13, 2007
I'll preface this post by saying my schedule has made my forum visits very sporadic for awhile so if this band has been discussed at length already I apologize.

I took a day off from work to drive down to Austin, TX to spend a day at the SXSW Festival going on there this week. SXSW is larger than I ever imagined!


One of the bands I went to see (the other being Orphaned Land) was Karnivool. I only "discovered" this band a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, I'm bad about stuff like that. Well, I thought they sounded great live and I'm also enjoying their newest album "Sound Awake". I'm wondering what my fellow forum members think of this band and if you think Karnivool would fit in at ProgPower one day. Today's set (I don't recall what was played except "Themata" -- and that is from an earlier album) had a kind of Tool and Meshuggah vibe to it but I've also heard other songs of theirs with a different flavoring. And when they finished their set today I didn't think to myself "Hmmm.... they sound like a copycat of [insert band name here]", so that was refreshing.

Just thought I'd post and see what kind of feedback I'd get. :)

And now that I read back over this I can plainly see the effects of having gotten up at 4am this morning in preparation for the drive down to Austin. I apologize for any gaffes in clarity and/or semantics. Truth is I'm just too tired to change any wording! hahaha :rock:
Karnivool is a great band, one of my favorite new bands. I WISH I could be at SXSW, they are playing multiple shows there.
Another band at SXSW I wish I could see is Wide Eye Panic. They are a much more "NEW" band compared to Karnivool. The word is already pretty much out there about Karnivool, Wide Eye Panic is still pretty much unknown. They will be playing tomorrow @8:30PM on the TRF outdoor stage 1 if you are interested.
Wide Eye Panic is kind of how you describe Karnivool only with a bit heavier/different influences. Karnivool and Wide Eye Panic are both on Bieler Bros Records.
Karnivool is pretty cool ... they are doing a month long tour with another cool band ... Fair To Midland. Neither of these bands seem like an ideal fit for a future Prog Power, but sections of the audience would enjoy each of them. I am going to catch the show in Minny .. going to be up there for an Overkill show and a Twins game at that same time.

they are doing a month long tour with another cool band ... Fair To Midland.

Except in Chicago. Karnivool is playing at the Penny Road Pub of all places, without Fair to Midland, even though both play together the day before and after. Only explanation I can think of is that Fair to Midland is booked for Lollapalooza, and are jacked by the radius clause, but that seems *way* too early for the radius clause to go into effect. I'd be going if it was the two bands together, but I don't know if I can drum up enough excitement if they're on their own.

Also, "Karnivool" is a stupid, stupid name.

Pretty good band. That Tool comparison fits, though not really the Meshuggah one. Unfortunately, the show is the same day as the Overkill show at the Metro, so I'm going to have to bail on the show.
Eh. Completely different band. While by no stretch am I saying these guys are purely mainstream, they do have that alternative sound to them, which in my opinion doesn't really fit with the fest.

so they are more proggy Weezer? or something?

i would love to see them at PP, might open some doors and stir things up. just as Freak Kitchen did or Devin Townsend or acts like that. they definitely aren't any more alternative to what Devin is doing.
I saw this tour in Minnesota the other night ... good crowd. There were probably 350-400 on hand .. mostly late high school/college age. It seems Fair To Midland gets radio play there in the twin cities. The crowd seemed rather familiar with both bands.

Both bands are entertaining, although I generally only like about half the material from each band. I guess I'd classify each band as modern prog rock ... some of it works for me, but some of it doesn't.

The performances were excellent ... both bands have engaging frontmen. These have to be two of the more energetic bands in their genre .. great, great energy. It's worth your time if you get a chance.

So excited for this show on Saturday. Not too big on Karnivool outside a few songs, but Fair to Midland fucking brings it every time.