Katagory V confrim CMF!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Hey Katagoians!

We have finally confirmed on our end of things that Katagory V will be playing the Classic Metal Festival 3!

It's an excellent line up this year with a few more bands to still be announced! Some of the best metal bands in the underground are playing this year!:headbang:

If your in the Chicago area or are die hard metal fan get your tickets and fly, drive, boat or whatever you can get your hand on to get you there, and come and hang out with us! :D

We'll be playing some of the new material as well as some of your favorites from the "Present Day" album.

We hope to see you all there!

I just found about your band from the CMF page. A metal band from Utah, the state I live in? There are not many metal bands from here, so more power to you.

I hope it goes well. Do you play many shows in the state?
Originally posted by Van Alan
I just found about your band from the CMF page. A metal band from Utah, the state I live in? There are not many metal bands from here, so more power to you.

I hope it goes well. Do you play many shows in the state?

Thanks for the kind words! We are very confidant that the festival will go well, many of our freinds and fans from all over the U.S. and overseas have told us they are coming to the festival, so we are really excited to play it this year!

Unfortunately, we don't play many shows in Utah because there isn't a very strong metal fan base here. We might do anywhere from one to three shows a year here in Utah if the opportunity arises, but it's usualy done without much advertising (or at least that's the way it was in the past), and since no big name bands
ever come here, we have no good audiance to open for to help spread our name.

It's really hard to play here because some clubs won't give us the time of day unless we play emo/punk/harcore music... it's insulting!

I can tell you this much, we will be playing one or two small gigs very soon to get our new guitarst Trevor warmed-up for Chicago, and we'll be posting the information about these shows on this forum and on the Utahmetal mailing list.

Hopefully we'll see you at a show!