KATATONIA and the "mainstream"


dead soul
Jun 27, 2002
It's very hard to get people into the sound of Katatonia I experienced. On one side, they like the kind of Anders plays the guitar (Tergas and Sulfur!) and the clean vocals of Jonas. On the other side they think that Katatonia is all in all to depressed sounding to them. In other words: It's not that really mainstream compatible like this "Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys" stuff and it isn't played in our radio stations. So I think for myself I have some exclusive music, just for me and that's somehow what counts. All in all I don't care about these ignorant people outside there. Everybody should hear what he/she wants. I don't think I would be so happy if everybody begins to hear what I hear. Like this 12 year old teenies who all think that this NuMetal stuff is cool now (in connection with skateboarding) - it's just "fashion" music - Music for the mainstream, for the mass, for kids... -

Thanks god, that Katatonia do their style in the way "THEY" like it and not what the "mass" wants. Katatonia should be what they are: a great Metal band who're going their way, grow with each album and make us "happy" (you for sure know what I mean) Damn, I can't await the new album... (and maybe a promotion tour through Europe - oh... I have to stop dreaming ;))


Thank's for taking time to read my "neverending" opinion. I tried to keep it short ;) (Maybe something this way was said before in another post, but I had to say it with my very own words.
Originally posted by doom_dragon
I don't think I would be so happy if everybody begins to hear what I hear. Like this 12 year old teenies who all think that this NuMetal stuff is cool now (in connection with skateboarding) - it's just "fashion" music - Music for the mainstream, for the mass, for kids... -

That's the catch, isn't it! You love Katatonia, and you'd love for them to have the financial rewards that we know they truly deserve, but at the same time we want to keep them for ourselves- like our own private joke or something. ;)

I think that no matter how commercial and rocky their sound gets, they will never be mainstream unless they change their lyrics to suit the mainstream audience. Cause I don't think they're into this kind of depressed. Maybe the fake Korn/Staind style, but not the darkness that comes with Katatonia.
Katationia will always be awesome. I don't see Jonas changing to the "My daddy didn't buy me the right bike for christmas" style of writing.
Originally posted by requiem

That's the catch, isn't it! You love Katatonia, and you'd love for them to have the financial rewards that we know they truly deserve, but at the same time we want to keep them for ourselves- like our own private joke or something. ;)
that is the ultimate metal paradox.
@requiem and redSoul: got the point! ;)

@thebleakaffinity: many things in our life seem/are pointless...
Simple for me, as long as they make excellent music I couldn't care less about a new "trendy" fanbase or how many copies they sell.

Well, their songs are quite catchy, a "sudden" breakthrough with the next album wouldn't surprise me at all. However, effective promotion and constant airplay are the keys to commercial success, and I don't believe a (nevertheless good) label like Peaceville is influential enough to turn Katatonic songs into chartbreakers.

Yummy... pointless discussions :)
However, effective promotion and constant airplay are the keys to commercial success, and I don't believe a (nevertheless good) label like Peaceville is influential enough to turn Katatonic songs into chartbreakers.

most mainstream acts are on labels that are either major labels or owned by major labels, there are only about five record labels that supply radio with music:mad:
@the_joy_of_grief: You're right! Mainstream music CAN be good.

The problem is: If there is a good song, what is compatible to the mass, the radio stations play the song "to it's death". What I mean is, this song is played up to 10 - 15 times per day so you could get mad! Don't say now: "just turn off the radio" or "change the radio station" - When you're working in an office, or now civilian service for me, you are forced to hear, what the others hear. It's the same to our TV stations: MTV Germany, MTV2Pop, VIVA, VIVA Plus,...

So a good track can change into a very hatred track, just because you hear it so many times. And like I said it before: EVERYONE hears it, maybe everyone likes it. But after ~3 months nobody wants to hear this song anymore.

I for myself, never hear a track more than once or sometimes twice per day, so it's "fresh" to me everytime I hear it.
...for months, ...sometimes for years...