Katatonia Autograph Session in Switzerland

what the h.. i skipped it but thinking that ppl traveled there from abroad that really sucks! what could have happened so suddenly?
Have to say i`m extremely pissed off.Seems that there was no problem with the ferry gig the night before. A lot of dissapointment all around.
And to top it off I got back to Dublin to find out that the Aborted/Kataklysm show was cancelled.

As was said earlier I AM EXTREMELY PISSED OFF!!!!!!
My report:
Arriving at the venue:

Translation: Katatonia cancelled! This morning Katatonia cancelled the gig due to illness reasons...

Let me add" this morning"= 4.a.m (the night before they have been partying and played a gig on the boat-tour)

After the show:five disappointed and pissed off people:

After the show:five disappointed and pissed off people:

Well, more than 5 people were pissed off and disappointed....

And here's my part of the story:
Everything seemed so perfect. I got very cheap train tickets, found accomodation, got in touch with lots of great friendly people who were all looking forward to this gig, dreamed of Katatonia playing their recent setlist which is the best they ever had.
Friday night before my departure I talked to someone on the phone, said how well prepared my trip was etc. but will it really be that perfect? Who knows, maybe at the end Katatonia don't show up or something... Bad joke. Or some kind of telepathy...
Anyway, I had a great time with old and new friends, some of the bands (especially Disillusion) were awesome, the organisation of the festival was very good, friendly people everywhere, nice venue etc. The only thing missing was the expected headliner. As mentioned before, everyone was PISSED OFF!!

What impressed me most and made me laugh (ohhhhoo the irony) was this:


How many venues welcome Katatonia with a specially for their concert designed list of beverages?!?!

You guys ought to be UTTERLY ASHAMED about your „illness“!!!
If you prefer your fans to praise you and be loyal you should better not act like this.
An explanation would be much appreciated guys. 6 others travelled with me from Ireland and as you can see from the posts above a lot of other people travelled abroad.
A large amount of money was spent getting to the show.

The saddest thing of all was that the venue was excellent and the organisation perfect, had Katatonia played it would have been an amazing night.
there were even a couple of guys from canada there who only came for katatonia. man. thousands of dollars to come for the band you love and this band cancels so shortly before.

btw: i loved the irish guy who barely found the way to the bus shuttle anymore and couldnt decide wether to go to bern or to burgdorf :D

was that you?
No. I was with him though. If its the guy I think it is he got back to Bern, went to a late night bar, got to the hostel at 8AM when we were leaving. Slept til midday and missed his flight home. Another guy lost his passport.
Even though the show was cancelled I have to say that we all had a great time in Switzerland.
The saddest thing of all was that the venue was excellent and the organisation perfect, had Katatonia played it would have been an amazing night.

Agreed! It could have been a fantastic show, nice place, friendly people, good bands, etc.Unfortunately many people who were there ONLY for Katatonia decided not to go to the festival so that the venue was not very crowded....which was also a loss in terms of money for the promoters....
After this I doubt I'm gonna travel again so many kilometres to see another Katatonia gig, unless they play at a festival so at least I can see other good bands in case they are "ill" another time...
maybe you all should cool down just a little bit til you know the full reason. its not like they just cancel shows cause they're hungover

Sure, that's what should be expected from a professional band. I'm just wondering why it takes them so long to voice the full reason.... their silence sounds to me like they're sorry and feel very uncomfortable with the situation but don't have a good apology, so they'll hide away hoping it will be forgotten soon.
I wouldn't call this arrogance. Rather unability to deal with the consequences.
An official and honest sorry could be more effective than a silent sorry...
Since some of the band is posting and lurking here:

Since people are worried, pissed or whatever, please say something to them, wheater it's an apology, a justification or expression of annoyance, something would do.
Quote from katatonia.com

The members of Katatonia have now since about two weeks been struggling with everything from the flu, ear infections, pneumonia and sinusitis. Two of the members are still on penicillin antibiotics to get well. It’s safe to say that Katatonia never want or intend to cancel our own gigs, and it’s never been a common situation in our past. Unfortunately, this time the Burgdorfer gig in Switzerland got suffering and had to be canceled in the last minute. Why so late some might rightfully ask? Well, it’s easily explained - because we still intended to play it til the last minute! Eventually it just was not possible. The band was both adviced and uncapable of flying or playing - doctors orders. If we would look for replacements for the sick members, it would be a entirely new band playing and we’re sure none wants to go see that, with that said, we’ll do our best to struggle our way through the Norwegian gig in Oslo on Saturday and hope for your understanding if we’re not in top shape yet.
for those of you who know german, here's the official statement from the rocknight homepage

for the non-german-speaking fellows:

summed up, it says that everything would have been ready for a great metal evening, that the shock for the promoters was big and that the time span was too short to organise a real substitute band.

they have though no resentments towards Katatonia, it just says that everything would have been easier if the statement on the Katatonia homepage would have been released earlier or sent to them earlier, as all they originally got was a 3-line e-mail saying that somebody was ill and that, with having a reasonable explanation, the explanation to the fans and the understanding towards the band would have been way bigger. many angry fans could have been quitened a bit with that.

it also states that due to the cancellation, there was a loss of about 500 entries and that they have quite a financial hole now.

in the end they thank everybody who helped making the evening to what it was. apparently, there are also some partner companies of them who resign on their payments to make that financial hole smaller. "the metal community lives"

Well... I hope that the Burgdorfer Rocknight goes on next year. It has always been brilliant so far. And this year, it could have been just as perfect... :(

www.rocknight.org reads:
Offizielles Statement
Offizielles Statement zum Katatonia-Ausfall

In Kirchberg sollte am vorletzten Wochenende die dritte Ausgabe der Burgdorfer Rocknight stattfinden. Der Samstag begann aber mit einem grossen Schock für die Veranstalter.

In der Grossmatthalle in Kirchberg war alles bereit. Innert 24 Stunden hatte man von Donnerstag Abend an die Sporthalle unter Mithilfe einer grossen Zahl freiwilliger Helfer mit viel Aufwand in eine Eventhalle umgewandelt. Am Freitag abend ging dann der erste Konzertabend als PreParty bei nur 5 Franken Eintritt problemlos über die Bühne: Die Bands Chervilled, Slandet und Pesticide überzeugten das Publikum, die Huttwiler Band Ex Nihilo konnte die Halle sogar in Begeisterungsstürme versetzen.
Nachdem dieser Abend gut verlaufen war, sahen die Veranstalter die Hauptprobe als geglückt. Nun fieberte das Organisationskomittee ganz dem Samstag entgegen – es sollte die eigentliche Burgdorfer Rocknight 2007 werden, mit den hochkarätigen Headlinern Katatonia aus Schweden und Disillusion aus Deutschland. Doch es kam alles anders.

Kurz nach Mitternacht traf beim Organisationskommittee eine E-Mail aus Schweden ein. Es stammte von den ursprünglichen Headlinern Katatonia. Kurz und knapp und auf wenigen Zeilen stand da, dass die schwedische Band aus Krankheitsgründen leider nicht werde spielen kommen können. Nun rannte den Veranstaltern die Zeit davon. Innert knapp 19 Stunden musste eine Ersatzband gefunden werden. Die Bandverantwortlichen setzten alle Hebel in Bewegung und fragten über 30 Bands aus dem In- und Ausland an, ob es möglich wäre, für Katatonia einzuspringen. Leider liess sich ob der eklatanten Kurzfristigkeit der Absage kein valabler Ersatz aufbieten.
Die Burgdorfer Rocknight musste also ohne Headliner Katatonia über die Bühne gehen. Die Burgdorfer Band Bleak Origin, deren Mitglieder alle in der Grossmatthalle anwesend waren, erklärte sich bereit den Lückenbüsserplatz einzunehmen. Erst nach Türöffnung wurde den Beteiligten klar was der Ausfall von Katatonia wirklich zu bedeuten hatte. Über das Internet hat sich die Meldung sehr schnell herumgesprochen – viele Fans tauchten gar nicht erst an der Rocknight auf. Schlimmer erging es aber gut 150 Personen, die aus dem Ausland extra für Katatonia angereist waren. Fans aus Kanada, Irland, Deutschland und Italien standen vor den Toren und mussten die Meldung entgegen nehmen, dass die Band, für die sie extra angereist waren, vor wenigen Stunden abgesagt hatte.
Obwohl am Anfang der Unmut gegenüber der Band gross war wurde schnell klar, dass die Veranstalter nichts machen konnten. Die meisten Leute zeigten Verständnis und versuchten zusammen mit den anderen Leuten und für die anderen Bands das Beste aus dem Abend zu machen. Weit über 100 der aus dem In- und Ausland angereisten Fans traten schnurstracks die Heimreise an, die Dunkelziffer der wegen der Absage gar nicht erst am Event erschienen Besucher ist weitaus höher einzuschätzen. Das OK rechnet mittlerweilen mit einem Besucherausfall von 500 Personen. Schliesslich spielten dann doch vier Bands an der Rocknight 2007. Die Oberländer Trafficlights eröffneten den Abend mit präzisem Melodic Rock, dann folgten die Burgdorfer Bleak Origin, danach die Berner Spooky Evolution und am Schluss Disillusion aus Leipzig, Deutschland. Im Publikum war viel Zusammenhalt zu spüren – man wollte nun gemeinsam das Beste aus der Sache machen, die Enttäuschung ob der Absage des Headliners verdrängen und trotzdem einen guten Abend verbringen.
Was am Schluss bleibt ist ein nicht unbedeutendes Loch in der Kasse des Vereins Burgdorfer Rocknight, und ein Vertrauensverlust ins harte Musikbusiness. Es ist verständlicherweise für die Veranstalter sehr schwierig und demotivierend, wenn eine Planung von über einem Jahr zunichte gemacht wird, weil das musikalische Zugpferd des Anlasses nur unglücklich begründet das Konzert so kurzfristig absagt. Dazu kommt das nicht unerhebliche Defizit. Das Erfreuliche: Die Bands konnten auf ganzer Linie überzeugen, insbesondere die neu auf die Headlinerposition vorgerückten Disillusion. Mit ihrer gekonnten und anspruchsvollen Mischung zwischen elektronischer und harter Metalmusik versetzten sie die ganze Grossmatthalle noch einmal in Begeisterung und somit überwiegte letztendlich bei den meisten Fans das Positive.

Mittlerweile haben Katatonia auf ihrer offiziellen Homepage eine Stellungnahme aufgeschaltet:

"The members of Katatonia have now since about two weeks been struggling with everything from the flu, ear infections, pneumonia and sinusitis. Two of the members are still on penicillin antibiotics to get well. It’s safe to say that Katatonia never want or intend to cancel our own gigs, and it’s never been a common situation in our past. Unfortunately, this time the Burgdorfer gig in Switzerland got suffering and had to be canceled in the last minute. Why so late some might rightfully ask? Well, it’s easily explained - because we still intended to play it til the last minute! Eventually it just was not possible. The band was both adviced and uncapable of flying or playing - doctors orders. If we would look for replacements for the sick members, it would be a entirely new band playing and we’re sure none wants to go see that"

Wir möchten anfügen, dass wir die Gründe von Katatonia mittlerweile verstehen. Höchstwahrscheinlich wäre alles einfacher und besser gegangen, wenn die ausführliche Begründung, die am 31. Oktober auf der Katatonia-Homepage aufgeschaltet wurde, von Anfang an anstelle der drei Zeilen geliefert worden wäre. Dies hätte einiges vereinfacht.

Alles wäre bereit gewesen und es wäre mehr als nur ein super Fest geworden. Aber eben - es hat wohl einfach nicht sollen sein.

Wir haben übrigens noch Fundsachen zu verteilen und offizielle Festivalshirts (mit Katatonia-Logo) zu verkaufen. Mehr dazu später.
Abschliessend möchten wir folgenden Personen, Bands, Firmen und Institutionen unseren grossen Dank aussprechen. Alle auf dieser Liste haben entweder ganz oder teilweise auf ihre rechtmässige Gage/Bezahlung verzichtet.

- Chervilled
- Ex Nihilo
- Bleak Origin
- LiveSound Worb
- S.I.E-Audio
- Mirage Lights
- Whitelight Burgdorf
- Tom Kurz

Die Metal-Community lebt!

Und ganz zum Schluss:
Danke an Disillusion!

Disillusion sind trotz widriger persönlicher Umstände angereist und haben die Grossmatthalle in Grund und Boden gerockt!

Und nun wirklich ganz zum Schluss:
Danke an alle unsere Besucher, Bands, Helfer, Freundinnen, Medien, Partner etc etc. Danke an alle, die aus der Rocknight 2007 doch noch einen positiv in Erinnerung bleibenden Event gemacht haben!
SEE YOU 2008!