Katatonia - Dead Letters streaming

I really don't feel a strong ressemblance with Opeth, except during the last minute of the album to be honest. Melodies and harmonies are simpler than Opeth's, though they have this Katatonia feel, of choosing the right surprising chord sometimes (listen to the guitars on "The Racing Heart" to see what I mean)

Jind you're right, it's an album that shines when you let it flow, driving, walking. I personally often listen to it during my cruise, in the background, in my aux in on my headset. Watching the clouds go by while listening to Katatonia is quite nice.

My favourite tracks in the order of appearance :
1 - The Parting, kinda catchy one
2 - The One You Are Looking For Is Not Here, I'm usually not fan of duets but this one really does work, her voice is really just there to improve the song, not just for the sake of a duet
4 - The Racing Heart, is just one of the best ballads I've heard in a very long time, and the vocal work (production wise) is marvellous, the end of track is pure poetry
7 - Ambitions, I like the beginning especially and some of the vocal lines
8 - Undo You, nothing to say, the electric piano just blend perfectly with the rest, and I love the chords. I just wish the vibe of the first minute stayed the whole song
11 - Dead Letters, love the epic proggy vibe, and for once I would have enjoyed more of this, I feel like the song could have been ever better with a few minutes of epicness on top of it but that's not Katatonia, and they won't do too much wankery either

And yeah, no filler on this one, while I found some of the previous albums felt really like bad songs (there were 2 or 3 that were really average). On this one I'm never tired !
I really don't feel a strong ressemblance with Opeth, except during the last minute of the album to be honest. Melodies and harmonies are simpler than Opeth's, though they have this Katatonia feel, of choosing the right surprising chord sometimes (listen to the guitars on "The Racing Heart" to see what I mean)

My mentioning Opeth was not intended as a direct comparrison, more a reference to a band heading in a direction and settling on it. Opeth had been incorporating more classic prog type stuff over several albums and seem to have settled on the style represented on Heritage. In the same way, Katatonia have been working their way into the sound they seem to have settled on over the last two albums - more light moody moments than metal moments overall.

Jind you're right, it's an album that shines when you let it flow, driving, walking. I personally often listen to it during my cruise, in the background, in my aux in on my headset. Watching the clouds go by while listening to Katatonia is quite nice.

Same here - I took the dogs for a walk this afternoon and had it on the headset. I live out in the middle of the woods, my road is only half paved, the end of it heading for a about a mile and a half into state forest down to a cemetery where the last person buried there was in 1786 - got a little lost in the music and found myself down by that graveyard without even really paying attention. Definitely that type of album.

And yeah, no filler on this one, while I found some of the previous albums felt really like bad songs (there were 2 or 3 that were really average). On this one I'm never tired !

No filler at all.
Just comming home from the gig, and boi, they delivered. What a band. Just out of curiousity, is it possible that they use a modeller for their live sound? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I had the impression. But no need to mention that my ears were already tired after the support acts, so take that with a grain of salt. Sound was still stellar, great mix, maybe the drums were overpowering the rest a bit, but that's nitpicking.
What amp and cab, and guitars/pickups did they use on the album ? I really really like their tone, very modern and very suited to basic background riffs, as well as smooth for the other riffs or for a light crunch