Katatonia on swedish radio.

fmsmetal said:
hell yeah, i did record it, if anyone wants a PROPER recording of the Show, here you have it... i will delete it in a couple of days, so hurry, or if the provider delete it earlier , i don´t know, just grab it NOW !!!



the first link is the complete interview including the songs and stuff, the second one is cut and only the interview... Enjoy !

Thanks a lot mate!
Really enjoyed that one. :)
Nice work Ether! Gonna fix some things here, some misunderstandings...

B: If you should compare it with Viva Emptiness, how is the album? How does it differs?
A: it´s much more professional, everything regarding production and song writing is simply a step forward ..because it´s the same stile, the stile is just a step forward from what we started with Viva Emptiness..
J: But it actually feels like its just 12 new songs you know, and we record them 3 years later and it sounds like this.


B: Where do you actually come from? Some say Stockholm, other Avesta?
J:Anders and me live here in Stockholm, the other three live in Dalarna, two in Avesta and one in Falun.
A: Well its like, the majority lives there so it gets kinda twisted.


B: So you started as a doom-death band like many others like Paradise Lost and Anathema. Some have become more mellow and so have you guys too, why is this?
A:It was, I mean, after a couple of year, 5-6-years of this style you felt you couldn’t go any further, just this kind of singing within doom it´s so limiting for the songs. We started to consider if we should add some parts with common, nice vocals, you know. And then you feel like, shit, how nice things we can do with this! You don´t just have to use the lead guitars for the melodies, but now the vocals can do that too. We never saw this as something commercial, just as a possibility for the band to evolve, to do better songs.

B:How was the reaction upon this?
A: oh, at the beginning it was like a knife to the throat, but then after a few albums it seemed like people understood that we hadnt just ditched some ideal but just tried to sing like the most people sing.
Bandit: Hur är det med er ? alltså, va Fan kommer ni ifrån egentligen?? Hehehe (programledaren flinar)... en del säger stockholm, en del säger avesta.

så jäävla skönt... garvade så jag höll på att dö.