Katatonia RIP?

Here it is:

Lately it has been eerie quiet around Katatonia. Would the band actually still exist? Since the marvellous “Viva Emptiness” album release again two years have passed and since then we haven’t heard or seen anything from “the Swedish Anathema”. This box set is perfect food for the doom thinkers. It’s a typically product released by labels from bands who have ceased to exist. On two CD’s the last seven years of Katatonia are briefly worded , inclusive B-sides of singles and one not released song. It does bother the listing isn’t chronological, but picked randomly. Most Katatonia fans will not care about it, since they aren’t awaiting compilation CD’s. For them the extra enclosed DVD is of most importance. It contains a concert from 2003, filmed in – like it just has to be – Krakau Poland. Sound and images are done very well and the band is in top shape. But why this DVD isn’t released solely in stead of taking unnecessary cash from the Katatonia fans?

It's coming from Aardschok May 2005 (The Netherlands).
The sweedish anathema!? Thats a very lazy comparison. They are very diferent, the only thing in common is melencholy
i almost saw them live in montreal almost a year ago, but bad things happened the day i tried to drive up there. my friend found bootleg recordings of that show, so i got to hear what it sounded like and it made me feel a little better. i need to see them live.