Katatonia's own section on VH1.COM

Varg- said:
pistol_pete, how 'bout yourself? You want katatonia to get famous, do you want fuckheads to listen at them, and you want fuckheads to tell you that they suck?

I don't.
And what about this logic?
1. Every single artist playing on MTV suck.
2. Katatonia is playing on MTV.
Ending: Katatonia sucks.

Haha, that was just a little messing but... ;)
i dont know what a "fuckhead" is, but i'll assume its a derogatory term, and i dont see how the music someone listens to makes them "fuckheads", its only music like:erk:. And MTV2 and VH1 play some good music in my opinion, i know there's the MTV that just plays pop all the time but on one of the MTV's they play alice in chains, slipknot, pearl jam, morbid angel, sepultura ...why not Katatonia. (i think its MTV im thinkin of anyway! :))

And i think it would be quite good if Katatonia got some videos(if they made some) on the tv, or even a few concerts would be sweet. That was all i meant. And if they did get famous it would be good, because all the new fans would look back into their catalogue and they would all get into it.
Varg- said:
I hate MTV, I hate all the artists on MTV and I hate the most of ppl that watch it.

This is utterly stupid. Metalheads can be so fucking stupid. Oh wait, I forgot that it's just people in general.

Varg- said:
pistol_pete, how 'bout yourself? You want katatonia to get famous, do you want fuckheads to listen at them, and you want fuckheads to tell you that they suck?

Actually, this is bordering the fine line beyond stupid, called unintentionally hilarious.
It's like you wish people to keep listening to music that you consider shit, and not touch your precious little band.
LoboUivante said:
harsh and incoherent... I haven't seen MTV for ages... and I agree it mostly sucks... but then there's the 1% of good music i believe to still endure.

1% good music on MTV? Then why watch it? :)

pistol pete
yeye.. I over reacted :)
The thing is that I just don't want slipknot- / linkin park- / hiphop - teens to listen to the music I listen to, especially not a band like katatonia.
I know that it sounds morally incorrect but it's the truth.

You guys may be those mp3/radio - kids who enjoy commersials and that would be sad, but anyway.... that's my opinion and I know that there's alot more people thinking like this.
If I'm not misstaking, I think katatonia has got offers to play on MTV-like / radio - shit, but declined. And ppl like me understand and thank them :)

TheFourthHorseman, what's your problem about peoples opinions? Just because you would love stupid blonde teens to laugh and sing "SOMEHOW I BETTER LEAVE THIS DEADHOUSE - hahaha", without understanding shit. Obviously you don't understand shit about katatonia either...
Oh yes. That must be it. How could I have not seen it?

Did you not read my post? My problem is that you people keep thinking that your favourite band should only be listened to by this specific group of people that you approve. And what do I have against people's opinions? Well, obviously if they differ from mine I'm going to ask you why or perhaps ridicule you a bit. I keep an open mind on the fact that I may not know everything about everything, but I'm sure as hell not going to start this IMO crap all over again.

Point is:

Varg- said:
The thing is that I just don't want slipknot- / linkin park- / hiphop - teens to listen to the music I listen to, especially not a band like katatonia.
I know that it sounds morally incorrect but it's the truth.

This is retarded. You're just as bad as the MTV kids.


Varg- said:
that's my opinion and I know that there's alot more people thinking like this.

That's right, back up your opinion on a large number of metalheads (Katatonia fans in this case, and I'm not even sure if you're right about what you say, but you probably are) agreeing with you. Well here's a newsflash, most metalheads are idiots.

Varg- said:
TheFourthHorseman, what's your problem about peoples opinions? Just because you would love stupid blonde teens to laugh and sing "SOMEHOW I BETTER LEAVE THIS DEADHOUSE - hahaha", without understanding shit. Obviously you don't understand shit about katatonia either...

Why I don't bother so much anymore.

Yeah, I must not understand a damn thing because my opinion differs from yours, Mr. Holier Than Thou.
Damn man, you're more stupid than I thought and probably much younger then I thought as well...
You're at a forum named "Ultimate metal" and says "most metalheads are idiots."

I won't take the discussion with you. I allready told you that I know that my opinion is morally incorrect, but I can't do anything about it. Just accept it or piss off. I will talk to the admins about your offensive quotation by the way... You just offended everybody on this community. Grow up...

Oh man...

As if you're to talk with the mouth of the whole community, but, if they were to be offended, they deserved it.
You go ahead and talk to the admins.

By the way, what offensive quotation? My post may have been offensive if you have your panties too tight on you, but how were the quotes (of your post, which makes the whole comment a bit hilarious) offensive?

Like I said, get over your holier than thou attitude. You're telling me to grow up, well, son, look in the mirror. You can't even reason with me.
"most metalheads are idiots"
That one.

"You can't even reason with me."
That's right. I can't reason with an immature stupid pop-kid. It takes too much time and doesn't give me anything... Now stop talking to me. It's fine that you embarass yourself (as long as you're not banned) but I don't want to embarass myself, talking to you, so, please... just stop writing to me. Send a priv message if you really want something.
VH1's website has many uncovered bands, like in every other musical archive zine that respects itself, it's really nothing special or unusual.

I heard in couple of interviews that they're planning to make a video, although I'm in doubt that they have a proper budget for it.
I know I wouldn't like Katatonia making a video because it will destroy my personal impression and view on their music (but I will be too curious not to look in it), just like books that turn out into movies.
I don't have a problem with people who don't normally listen to metal discovering Katatonia, but I also understand that when bands gain mass popularity, the fanbase inevitably gets dumbed down, and few people want that to happen to their favorite bands, myself included.
Wow. This is the first time I have read this thread. Its just a difference of opinion guys. I personally dont care who listens to katatonia. I cant horde them to myself. Its like a war on jealousy, it will never happen. I can see it becoming irritating having a bunch of new katatonia (kids) wanting to grab onto what we have held so close to us for so long but to argue amongst ourselves over who should or shouldnt listen to musics best kept (secret) is pointless and annoying. If they did a video I would watch it. I would enjoy it too. I tell all kinds of people about Katatonia. I want others to listen to and enjoy them like I do. I dont want them to be a secret. I dont think they want to be a secret.
My opinion is that there are tons of idiots from metalheads to rappers. Idiocy is indiscriminatory, it has an effect on us all. I dont think your going to see me writing that someones opinion is stupid or that they are stupid or whatever the fuck that was all about. I refuse to put my energy forth in that way. Why are we here? Think about it eh. :)
Success turns most bands to shit. I think they have more integrity than that.
Katatonia are unique to me, and that would all die if they were playing on radio, MTV etc...
I know that ppl would listen to songs like evidence and probably like some of katatonia, good musicians as they are...
But they won't like katatonia the way I do - and that's pretty much why I don't want them to like katatonia at all.
But if all the MTV, radio - kids would cry to all the katatonia-albums etc. then sure! The world would be a better place for me. But it will never happen, they are far to busy dancing to monkeys in baggypants.
They will always be unique to me too, because of themoments in my life that they were all I had to hold on to. I really like the music as well. Each song reminds me of a moment of pain or torture that actually happened to me. Its those kinds of things that will always set us apart from the average Katatonia fan. We will always have something that they dont, and for me that is a personal connection with the songs and the memories from the past which are as much a part of us as life itself. Let them listen. They will never have what I have with Katatonia.
Varg-, you've been so adamant in making sure we accept your opinion. I've read all your posts in this forum and here's what I've got to say as a result:

Knowing that it's immoral or morally incorrect or whatever you wan't to call it doesn't make it any more reasonable or acceptable to the rest of us that you think that way. It's ridiculous to want to keep the band to yourself, you aren't the band, you have no right. 90% of the posts I've read by you since I first came to this forum have been negative bitching at other members or you trying to impose yourself as superior to them.

Maybe you should take a step back and think about why people like YOURSELF should be "priviliged" enough to listen to such a great and unique band as Katatonia. I don't agree with you about certain people having the right to listen to bands while others should not, but if this is your opinion, I should think you'd be able to consider that maybe you are the type of person Katatonia doesn't need. I would think the band wants a positive, friendly and openminded fanbase, not a bunch of uptight individuals who go around whining about things like their favourite bands getting any kind of exposure to a larger audience.

Try to think before you post, and make sure what you're saying isn't promoting a detrimental image of Katatonia's fans. They're great, intelligent guys, and they don't deserve it.

We don't need another Opeth board (every thread turning into a flamewar) over here, let's try to keep ourselves in check.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just wasting time that I should be spending studying for exams.
I am inclined to agree with Iameternal about this issue. I also think that Varg is very passionate about his views and opinions(which he is intitled to). Patience and tolerance is my code, for ALL of you. Varg, youy seem like a man with a mission, a mission that only includes yourself and Katatonia. While I appreciate people with strong views that are not afraid to voice them I also think you are over the top with your attitude(as well as others). I still appreciate Vargs theory :) and his unrelenting search for all things KATATONIA.
I also would like to say that IAMETERNAL was very tactful and to the point, I like that. :)
Varg- said:
"most metalheads are idiots"
That one.

"You can't even reason with me."
That's right. I can't reason with an immature stupid pop-kid. It takes too much time and doesn't give me anything... Now stop talking to me. It's fine that you embarass yourself (as long as you're not banned) but I don't want to embarass myself, talking to you, so, please... just stop writing to me. Send a priv message if you really want something.
but.. I would agree by saying that 70% of the individuals that appease their and the group's ego by calling themselves metalheads are idiots, experience talking. Your metalhead attitude is not the best either, hope you get better.