Katatonia's songs that you feel somehow very personal


Walking by a wire
Aug 12, 2008
Ventspils, Latvia
The idea is simple - share the songs you feel almost as Jonas had wrote them about you or events in your life and and some comment too, if you wish to.
My list.
July - my relationship ended in July, but I know that this isn't original, because I know that there are few other people with the same experience on this forum.
Burn the remembrance - everything happened just like in the song - going abroad, hotel wall, deep thoughts... Ironically, I started to like this song while cruising around Austria (that is being abroad).
My twin - well... Nothing original here, too.
Unfurl - whenever I listen to this it creates an amazing atmosphere and brings up some events from the past.

Sorry if something like this before has been on the forums but I really would like to hear some other opinions and experiences. To be honest, Kata is the only band to which I feel so personally connected and it's very surprising. At least for me :)
I am Nothing: yeah..not a lot of self worth.
Unfurl: this song brings back the memory of being in the snow under a street lamp very early morning..can't remember if it was 4 or 5am.. but the sky was red and snow was slowly falling..It just seemed very ethereal too me.
Dissolving Bonds: Reminds me of how close I used to be with some of my old friends.. and how everything is going to change this year since i graduate in June... alot of my friends will end up going separate ways..

Yeah..but there are so many more of their songs I can relate too.. thats probably one reason They are one of my favorite bands.
There was a time when I couldn't listen to Katatonia for this very reason.

Most of their lyrics sound like the product of an extremely depressed mind, and finding a deep connection with each song on LFDGD isn't a sign of one being a prime specimen of mental health.

That said, since I've snapped out of my deep blue funk and lost that connection to a lot of the songs, much of Katatonia's work does not resonate with me in as profound a manner as it once did.
I guess there are very common ones such as July, My Twin etc...Burn The Remembrance for me also, though not because of being abroad or anything.

Here are all the others I've thought I can always relate to very strongly. Maybe not through *all* the lyrics, but some at least:

Day, Rainroom ,12
Nowhere, Inside the Fall
I Break, Stalemate, Deadhouse, Relention, Cold Ways....yeah most of Discouraged Ones
I Am Nothing
Dispossession, Chrome, Tonight's Music, The Future of Speech
Criminals, A Premonition, Wealth, Evidence, Omerta
Consternation, Rusted, Follower

I probably don't really need to explain the reasons, given we've all heard the songs.
'Strained' is the number one song for me. It's my favorite song (by anyone). I can relate to everything in that song so much.

'Help Me Disappear' is another one. I've felt that sickening sort of loneliness many times, and no song sums it up better for me than this.

There are really too many songs to mention that have spoken to me profoundly in troubled times. A lot of them I relate to because of relationship problems, still others because of general unhappiness, loneliness, or disconnectedness. A few of those: 'Brave' (relationship problems), 'Right into the Bliss' (family and relationship problems), 'Black Session' (relationship problems), 'Dispossession' (more of the same), 'The Future of Speech' (general hopelessness), 'A Premonition' (nostalgia and homesickness), 'Code Against the Code' (relationship problems and longing), 'My Twin' (probably obvious), and 'Unfurl' (something about its atmosphere captures a feeling I had a lot last year).

The mood I'm in a lot these days, I could probably connect easily with Katatonia, but I'm fighting it by listening to classical music almost exclusively. It seems to be working so far.
Jonas a great songwriter and singer, completely dissolving bonds from stray difficulties \m/
Songs like:
Deadhouse, saw your drown, relention, quiet world, disposession, chrome, burn the remembrance, sulphur, tear, unfurl, my twin and in the white both versions, - a superior proof what or how group could looked a bit much more established in eyes of enemies.
You know, we (people) have different moods in a day but some songs make feels same things in every listen (personal). Here is...

Deadhouse: My story is about platonic love between teenage (me) & mature :) Simple story but after 10 years when I listen to this song, I'm still feeling weird agony and despair.

Unfurl: Pure melancholic and pain. Definitely a leaving song and paralyze effect for me

I'm Nothing: ... for all those be left behind

Sleeper: First half it is some confusion and drift.. then at second part walls turn to gray and gloom visits me.. "sleeper's song, will you listen to me sing..."

A Darkness Coming: Like before the storm.. calm and full of grief acoustic part.. it takes me to the old times

Black Session: Oh I arrived with "a darkness coming" to "black sessions"... there is a lyric "I'm fucking up old times..." So That's the day of reckoning for me... gaining level, standing and challenging!
Shit...here goes something weird:

Funeral Wedding.
Makes me think of a journey into the depths of death. I don't know how...but it does. I imagine death being something positive. The song has several uplifting riffs, yet melancholic lyrics, so it creates an odd atmosphere. When I die...I hope this will be my soundtrack into a journey into eternal light :)

Makes me think of golden hallways. I don't know why...I really don't. The strange thing is, one night when my friend and I were drunk, he told me that's what he thought of...and he didn't even know that I had thought that either.

I don't know what the song is about to be honest; however, the "violet dancers" line somehow illustrates a scenery for me. I am sure that line is a metaphor for something else, but none the less...I imagine myself(dead once again) sitting in a retro style theater and watching a number of pale(dead too), yet beautiful women dancing in all black. Very gothic I suppose.

Velvet Thorns(ending):
I see myself sitting on a hill, on a very sunny morning, over a meadow, flowers, animals, and eternal green fields of wilderness, and dying happily.

I got many more like this...but I won't list them all. Those are basically some personal things I can relate to their songs. Katatonia is more of an "imaginary" band to me. It expands my mind...it's like reading a book.
The Future of Speech: the uselessness of words that I often feel and the general meaningless of life, used to listen to this song 24/7 a few years ago in my more negative days.

Chrome: once again a song that in my head relates to a grey lack of general purpose and meaning. "burn down my house, and make something happen".

Quiet World: it's just about a sheer isolation from "all the happy people" which generalized is something I can feel from time to time.

I Am Nothing: a song I frequented during my more socially awkward and avoidant days. definitely hits a nerve, still.
The Future of Speech: the uselessness of words that I often feel and the general meaningless of life, used to listen to this song 24/7 a few years ago in my more negative days.

Chrome: once again a song that in my head relates to a grey lack of general purpose and meaning. "burn down my house, and make something happen".

Quiet World: it's just about a sheer isolation from "all the happy people" which generalized is something I can feel from time to time.

I Am Nothing: a song I frequented during my more socially awkward and avoidant days. definitely hits a nerve, still.
Agree with all of these, especially the socially awkward bit
The most personal song(s) for me has to be Quiet World and the whole BMD album. I relate that album to sooooo many things that has happened to me.